A serious mistake

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I watched as Wade clothelined Dolph and it seemed like a good start. Vicki was screeming for Dolph to get up and Wade stood there grinning. Dolph jumped up and punched him into the corner, then he kicked him square in the chest. Wade fell face forward. Dolph then dragged wade up and kicked him again in the ribs. Dolph went for the pin but wade weakly kicked out. Zack was yelling holding out his arm and as wade scrambled for his hand dolph pulled him back. He tagged in Jack and he drop kicked wade in the face. Before i even relised Dolph was tagged back in again by command of Vickie, apparently the 'Perfect' one, was meant to be in the lime light. Dolph went to pin Wade again but he kicked out. Then from behind me I saw Jack pull Zacks leg and he went flying, i didnt want to interfere so i stood on the apron still. I was shocked at Jack, while he was kicking my broski. My hand drifted to the tag string. I fiddled with it, while keepingan eye on both my friends, one in the ring, one not in the ring. As i was looking at Zack i saw Wade get up, he looked for Zack but he was wobbly on his feet. He fell flat out but his arm wacked my arm. I looked at him and to my shock the Ref told me to get in. I still unconsiously had a hold of that stupid tag string. SHIT! I was the legal wrestler in this match, and i was against Dolph. The Ref pushed me into the ring. I didnt know what to think, but i decided i was going to give this my best. I pulled my heels of and flung them out of the ring. I walked up to Dolph, i was centimeters away from his face and i smiled... I just stood and smiled. To my suprise and horror he slapped me and the whole arena burst into a chorus of boo's. I licked my lips and smiled again and as he went to hit me again I kicked him in the knee. He dropped down but as he did, he dragged me down and i fell on my back. I heard the crack before i felt the sweep of burning pain. This was my time to shine... No pain was going to stop me. I dragged dolph and put him in an arm lock and twisted and twisted. He just couldnt handle it and he tapped out to my joy. But as the Ref dragged my arm up in victory, the pain in my back was crippling. I doubled over and a single tear slid out of my eye. Booker T jumped up from the commentary table and he came over to me. "You ok Awe?" he asked, he could see the pain in my eyes, that i was determand wouldnt make me cry. I weakly shook my head and sunk to my knees, only to be caught in the arms of Booker. I looked up and Jerry Lawler was also standing there looking worried. I gritted my teeth as yet anouther burning surge of pain shot through my back. Wade and Zack were both completely knocked out, but they were being taken care of. I looked into Bookers dark eyes and he knew the pain i was in. He gently lowered me down onto the ring mat and put my head on his knees. "It hurts" I whispered. Paramedics came out and the put me on a strecher and carried me back stage, Booker never let go of my hand. He was like a father figure to me, he was always there, keeping his eyes open for danger coming my way.I was gutted, even though i beat Dolph, the match against Natalya was going to lead to a title match against Beth Phoenix. All i could think about was a title match and the dace competion. I had so many ideas in my head for it, so i just kept replaying different songs and routines over and over in my head, hoping the pain would subside. Only problem being, it never did subside....

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