With every fall comes opportunity

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  • Dedicated to John Cena, Winner of his first MITB

I was told to lay still on the first aid bed/table. I was lying down watching the rest of WWE carry on. My match slot was taking by Eve, of course she lost against Natalya. Booker stayed with me holding my hand and Josh Matthews took his place at the commentary table. There was knock on the door and i lifted my head, I soon regreted it as i was crippled by pain. "Who is it?" Booker said. "Its Randy, Zack, Wade and Kelly" the voice said, that i relised was Randy, My father. I think i may start calling him dad, i mean we had a great relationship before the who thing kicked off. "Come in" Booker replied after a look at me. The door swung open and i could see people come in, i didnt want to move because they didnt know how bad my back was just yet. Randy kissed the top of my head and i smiled, "Randy im sorry for everything, i was just shocked and upset and a bit bad. Will you forgive me, dad?" I asked him. He looked at me in shock and he said "I dont need to forgive you for anything sweety and i hope you wont regret calling me dad" He said and a single tear rolled down his cheek. He hugged me and told me Cena was in california but he knew what had happened and sent his love. He stood back and Booker squeezed my hand tightly. Zack and Wade stepped up next to me and they couldnt look me in the eyes. "Awe, We are so sorry, if i had of known you would have been tagged in there is no way i would have hit you, I was really shook up and i couldnt tell and Zack would have been there if Jack hadnt of got him" Wade said quietly. "Hey guys, you are my best friends, i dont blame you for what happened, I could have easliy left the ring and been DQ, but i choose to stay and fight. Dont blame yourselfs, I chose it myself" I said and they both looked at me slightly more relieved. Kelly hugged me and cryed a little. I didnt cry but Kelly felt terrable for me. We all chatted a little, i mainly just listened into the conversations, that varied from wrestling to food. After ten minutes there was anouther knock at the door. Zack opened the door to reveal CM Punk. Everyone stood up, and I could feel myself get annoyed. Booker was standing still holding my hand and Punk looked at him and then eyed our hands. He looked at me and said "You barely get over me then your onto the next person you can latch yourself onto, I feel sorry for Booker. I came here to see if you were ok, but i see you have found someone else you can hold onto" He went to turn around and i screemed. The pain in my back was very intense but when IED kicks in pain leaves. I lunged at Punk and began punching his head. I was screeming at him. Randy tried to pull me off him but i punched him in the nose. The voices kept telling me that Punk broke my heart and now i should break him. Suddenly the voices dissappeared and the pain was back. Now it was burning and i crumpled to the floor, unable to move. I didnt want to get up but the voices told me to attack. Randy lifted me and put me back on the bed. I cried and Zack grabbed my hand, "It was the IED wasnt it?" he asked and i nodded my head. I fell asleep and the voices in the room drowned out.

I awoke from a light sleep with anouther knock at the door. Everyone in the room was still awake and Kelly opened the door this time. Christain stood with a doctor, but he was smiling. "Can I tell her?" He asked the doctor and the doctor simply nodded his head. "Awe, its only sprained, with the right medicine you wont be in pain and you will be totally clear in just two days!" He yelled. I smiled and everyone cheered. Even though it hurt badly, knowing that i wouldnt miss out on a title shot or the dancing battle made everything seem better. My phone rang and the song began to play : Im here to help, i will help, I wont walk away, Im here to help. I laughed and knew it was John laurentice. "Hello John" I said as i answered. "Hi Aurora" he began, "I heard that you will be clear in two days and seeing as some people are really struggling with the Dance battle, I was hoping you could put three classes on, just to get people started and motivated. Many of them have no idea where to start and i thought it would be a bit more fair if you could take a few classes for everyone?" He said and i laughed "If thats what you want sir, I would be happy to" I replied, i really didnt mind to be honest. "Of course it wont be free, anyone that takes part has to buy you a gift" I laughed at him and said "Well if you insisted, of course i will do it" He laughed and i cut the call. I looked around the room and in five seconds all thier phones beeped or rung. The all took them out and Kelly read hers out loud, " On friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aurora Orton will be teaching dance classes. I wanted everyone to have a starting point and to make the whole thing slightly more fair. If you want to attend they start at 6am every morning, you also have to bring a gift for Aurora or you wont be taught" I laughed and everyone nodded thier heads, they all had the same message. "Well it looks like i need to go and buy the nicest pair of shoes i can find" Wade said, "Oi! that was my idea" Zack said. "Looks like your going to get a lot of shoes Aurora" Randy said to me and i just smiled, "Good job i love shoes then!"

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