First match to be tomorrow

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It had started to slightly rain by the time we got to the arena, but there was still huge crowds of fans. I would have felt terrable if i had of just left them, after all they were in the rain for us. I was so suprised by how many t-shirts and signs there were in my design. I didnt eeven know they sold those. I took a pin out of the car (they always have them in there for things like this) and began signing shirts, posters and pieces of paper. Many cars pulled up after and some people just walked straight past these people. Iremember being there and knew how it felt when they walked past. After a while i left and went inside, it was pretty cold and i was only wearing shorts afterall. I got in the changing room and all the girls there were still really nice. "Hey, Awe, are you ok after this morning" Eve asked with the bella twins. "yeah im fine thanx" and i hugged them all. Then Beth Pheonix walked in and the room went silent. "Nice to meet you Aurora" she said and stuck her hand out. I took it and shook it, with that she turned around and walked out. "What was that about?" I asked the girls. "Dont mind her" said Nicki, "Just stay clear of her and Vickie Gurerro, apparently she already has a grudge against you" And we all laughed and the door open again. This time it was Wade Barret, we all screemed "What are you doing in our changing room" AJ screeched. He pretended to cover his eyes and said "GM needs to speak to Awe,Sorry". So i got up and followed Wade out. "I think im going to Nickname people, that should be fun" I said cheery. "Oh dear, please let mine me good" he replied. I thought about it and decided it had to be something English as me and him were the only UK superstars at the minute. "Ok, i shall call you.... MY TEAPOT, cos your english like me" i laughed and he hugged me ," Ok my little JAM SCONE" and he ran and i chased him. I tackled him to the floor and ended up on top of him, we were both flushed in the face and my Uncle just happened to walk out of the changing room which was next to us, he looked at both of us on the floor, "Ten seconds before i kill you WADE!". And he jumped up and ran in the opposite direction, leaving me on the floor. "I... need to see the GM, wanna come?" i asked, "Yes i will come actually" he grabbed my hand and laughed.

We got to the office and GM was at his desk. "Do you want a match tomorrow?" he came straight out and asked,"YES,YES,YES" i yelped, "OI, thats Daniel Bryans thing you cant use it" Orton said laughing. "Ok how about going against Eve?" he asked, "I will book that for tomorrows show" he said and we left. I couldnt beleive it, my first match was tomorrow. Randy left and Zack Ryder came around the corner, "Hey sweety" he said and i smiled, "Hey, im giving people nick names yours will be, Broski" i said. "I will let you call me that if you accompany me to the ring now, for my match against Cody?" He didnt know about what happened in the hotel so i said yes and told him i would be ready in 5 minutes.

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