Home town and new beginings

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We all piled into the many cars outside the studio, after i signed autographs for the dancers at studio. Tonight we had a flight to England, because we had the world tour starting next week. I was so excited to see my family and friends again. Me, Kelly and AJ packed our bags and bundled into the car. We got to the airport and booked in.We got on the plane and waited for everyone else to bord. It was a great flight because we were all sat in the same section. I sat on the isle next to Kelly and AJ, behind us was Punk, Sheamus and Wade and across the isle to me was Randy, Cena and Zack. We had a laugh and I was getting more and more hyper, we had 4 days before the first match of the English tour. So all 9 of us and Miz, were going to be staying in a hotel round the corner from my home. We got our bags and found the rental cars and we were on our way to my parents house. My parents, Cousins and Friends were all waiting for me at the house. I was in a car with Punk and Wade because Kelly wanted to be with Randy and AJ wanted to be with Miz, which i thought was soo cute because I knew Kelly liked Randy but it seemed like AJ was finally getting over Daniel. At the hotel it was double rooms only and we didnt have any say who we shared with because WWE liked to be in control of that. So once again i was sharing a room with Punk. I smiled at him as he held the door open for me. Everyone had 1 hour to freshen up before heading over to my parents household. I was in the shower after Punk when i heard the bathroom door open. I totally froze and i saw the shadow of a man on the other side of the shower curtain. "Sorry, Only me, Forgot my aftershave" PUnk said and laughed, "Whats so funny?" I asked suspiciously. "I can see your beautifull figure!" he smirked "PUNK!! LEAVE!" I yelled. I felt my cheeks flush in the cool water running down my face. I blow dried my hair and conditioned it so it ran down my back in smooth waves. I had recently had the black highlights retouched so now i had bright blonde and very dark black hair. I applied my lipstick and mascara and found a nice dress. I was told to wear something nice by my cousin when he texted me. I found a pretty dress in my suitcase and walked into the room in just my Bra and knickers. I mean my wrestling attire was basiclly the same and punk didnt seem to mind, "What do you think about this?" I asked him while slipping it on over my head. It was a black short dress with three quater sleaves, the back was a pretty see through lace. It was very tight fitting and quite flattering. I also wore my red laboutins and a red clutch bag. "You, look gorgous Awe" he said quietly and kissed me on the lips. "We arnt on TV, Punk" I whispered, "That doesnt make a difference to me" He said just as quietly as i did. He held me at arms length and began again "Awe, I really like you, I dont suppose you feel the same for me?" he asked. I grinned and said "Well, if i did what would you say?". "I... well i would... ask you to be my girlfriend?" He said and his cheeks glowed, as did mine. "Punk, i would love to be your true girlfriend" i said and kissed him on the lips again, this time it was long and passionate. "Thanx for making that easier for me, even though i have a huge ego, you make me feel the most nervous i have ever been" he said and smiled down at me, he was a lot taller than i was. "Well we had better make our way to the lobby, we were suppose to meet people 5 minutes ago" I said and we headed for the lift. I quickly looked at my 'BOYFRIENDS' clothes, he was wearing black jeans and a gray shirt. He looked even more handsome than ever. I could feel the huge grin on my face and i wasnt affraid to show it. In the lift Punk held my hand and said "You were hot when you were dancing you know" and i just laughed. We didnt want our friends to know straight away so as the doors opened he let go of my hand and we all made our way to the cars.

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