And the winner is....

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Every pair filed out down towards the ring, we all stood on the ramp and waited patiently. The arena was then told to vote for the best performance. I looked around at some of the other superstars and Divas and most of them were standing as far away from thier partener as possable. I caught Sheamus looking towards me and he winked so I smirked back. He was with Wade and thier songs had been... strange... I hadnt even heard them before. He was wearing lime green leggings, contrasted with his skin tone looked hilarious. He seen me looking at his pants and he shook his leg. I burst out laughing only to get wierd looks from people standing around me. He raised his eye brow and I air slapped him, to which he dramaticly grabbed his arm and pretended to be hurt. I giggled quietly this time, when I felt a hand on my bare shoulder. I spun around to see AJ and Randy standing behind me, they had left thier parteners way up the ramp. I hugged both of them and we chatted with Liam until the lights dimmed. Michael Cole stood up in the ring with a piece of paper and a mic. "And the winner is..." He paused for a drum roll and everyone sighed in anticipation. "Vikki Gurerro and Jack Swagger" Everyone gasped and I felt my heart drop. What? How was that even possable? I heard people muttering. I slumped my head down as vikki and jack went to the ring. Before they got in thought, Jerry Lawler got in with a mic too. "Michael, I dont like you, But why on earth would you lie?" He pointed to the Titron screen and with 76% of the votes had gone to me and Liam with Turn me on, 10% had gone to our Blow me one last kiss. I laughed at Micheals failed attempt and saw Vikkii get really angry. I jumped up to the ring with Liam and hugged Jerry. "Thank you everyone here tonight. You dont know how much work we have all been through to get tonight the way it was. I know alot of these people tried very hard to be where I am stood, So thank you, Everyone!!" I squeeled into the mic and Lifted the Silver dance belt, designed for tonight. There was two, one for me one for Liam.

(Author Note: Thois is just a short filler chapter connecting the story, Also my laptop is about to die, so I had better stop her anyway!! Love all my fans, please leave feed back or questions xx)

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