Peace....isnt happening soon

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All the Superstars and Divas walked back to thier changing rooms, silent and tired. I opened my door and slumped my shoulders. I put down the shiney new dancing belt and I grabbed my leggings. I flung them on ontop of the dancing outfits. I also put on my Blue hoody and hightops. I grabbed my bag and my two belts and headed for the exit. It took me less than ten minutes to get change and wait for a car. A black car pulled up and I climbed in the back. "By yourself, miss?" The driver asked. "Yes I am" I replied quietly. I felt the weight of the world being placed on my shoulders, a little bit more everyday. The car pulled away into the dark night, heading for the hotel, where i still shared a room with AJ. The car slowed down and I thanked the driver. He seemed to notice I didnt want to talk. I slowly walked into the hotel and headed for the lift. I was the first one to leave the arena after the dance battle. I felt lonely and pathetic and so so miserable. The doors slid open and I stepped inside. I got to my room when I relised I had left my WWE Diva belt in the locker room. I cursed under my breath and picked up my phone. I dialed AJ and it rung. "AJ are you still at the Arena?" I asked hopefully, "No in the car, why" I screemed and hung up. We were leaving this area tomorrow and so I wouldnt get it back. I looked at my contacts and scrolled down. "Hello? Are you still at the Arena?" I asked as I tried Zack's number. "No everyone left but CM Punk, something about finding GM" I hung up again and regretably phone Punk. He answered his phone super quick "Aurora?" He said, "Punk are you still at the Arena?" I asked for the third time. I had opened my door and sat on my bed. "Yeah why?" I sighed, "Punk could you go into my changing room, I left my belt in the locker." "Yes anything Aurora, but can we talk too" I sighed and agreed to meet him for coffee the next day.

I didnt hear AJ come into the room because I had fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I woke up bright and early and very happy. But then everything came flooding back to me and I slumped down against my bed. AJ was never up before me but as I looked over at her messy bed, she wasnt any where to be seen. The handle on the door started to turn and I dived up, to be greeted by AJ. Her hands were full, Startbucks coffee, Donuts and Cookies.  She put them down on the little table in the room and I hugged her. "AJ I love you, Who needs guys when you have your best friend" She laughed and We sat eating and talking. "Aurora, Im going out for a meal with Wade, you dont mind do you?" I smiled "Wade is my friend but if he hurts you, I will kill him" We both laughed and I smiled, "Im having coffee with Punk today" I said and her head shot up. "Is that the best idea?" She asked me before my phone started ringing. "Hello sheamus" I said, "Aurora, you wanna grab a coddee today?" He asked. "Im busy this morning, how about after lunch?" "Thats great, bye! " He said and I hung up. I looked over at AJ and she smirked, "You like him?" She asked and I felt my cheeks heat up. "No, Yes, ok well I do!" I said and rushed for the bath room to get ready.

Aurora's Story of WWETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon