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Punk had went to his changing room, which he shared with a few others and i had went to the girls. I had wanted to speak to AJ and Kelly about the title match i had sceduled for two weeks time, against Beth. I was round the corner from our shared changing room, where i knew AJ would be after she had won her match against Eve. I turned the corner when i felt a sharp pain on the back of my head, i twisted around and saw Cody and Kane standing behind me, Kane had a chair in his hand. From my position on the floor i tried to get up, but this time Kane hit the chair right across my head sending me into unconsiesness.

Punks POV

I had gotten changed and i was waiting for Aurora in the TV room. The TV room was where all us superstars watched the matches that were currently on. I thought it was unusual that Aurora wasnt out, but knowing her she was gossiping with the girls. I sat down with a pepsi in hand and watched Cena against Big Show. Triple H and Shawn Micheals came in and Shawn said to me "Hey, you know where Awe is? we need to discuss our next prank with her" I smiled at them both and replied, "She is prob with Kelly and AJ, girly gossip you know?" We all laughed. Until AJ and Kelly ran in. "PUNK! Where is Awe, she was suppose to come to us after your match!" Kelly yelled in worry. "She isnt with you?" I said slightly paniced. They shook thier heads and i looked at DX with concern. It wasnt like her to randomly disappear. We all sat down and waited. The door slamed open and Zack burst in, he looked worried and quite frankly scared. "SHIT Bro! I just found Aurora's phone on the floor... It has a smudge of something red on it and i dont want to guess what!" HE said and looked down at the white Iphone in his hands with a pretty rose on the back, Red smudged on the screen. Before anyone could say anything, Cena's match was disturbed by the titron flickering on. On the screen was Cody and Kane looking very pleased with themselves. "We would like to let the whole WWE universe know that a certain Bitch wont be botheringus anymore" Kane said, and i sent me a very sick feeling that they were talking about Awe. The camera flicked off them and into the room they were standing outside of. Inside was a girl with long blonde hair tied to a chair, her head down and spots of blood on her top... One of my tops. The girl, who must have been unconciese, stirred and picked up her head. Awe looked at the door and then down at herselve, she quietly swore and began to pull at the ropes. You could see the wound on her head had reopened. The camera went back to the match and John was on his knees crying. He jumped out of the ring and ran backstage. I ran, I ran everywhere, trying to find the room that contained my girlfriend. I opened many doors and saw many thing i didnt want to, including Axanna and her new boyfriend. I saw Cena doing the same and many other people, including DX, Zack, Miz, Big Show, Kelly, AJ.... We had to find her, the image of her struggling never left my mind as i searched the entire stadium.

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