Coffee, coffee, coffee BLAH

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I found a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a plain black vest top. I grabbed my black high heels and applied little make up. I tied my hair into a long plait and said my goodbye to AJ. There was only a house show tonight, Which i had to sit on commentary while there was a diva number one contest match, I may even get asked to accompany one of my superstar friends. I walked down the 4 flights of stairs, not wanting to talk the lift. I saw Punk standing against the wall, looking down at his feet. He had his training bag in his hand and his other hand scratched the back of his neck. I cleared my throut and he looked up. We smiled and we walked to the nearest cafe we could find. I order my usual skinny latte and he had his normal expreso. We sat awkwardly for what felt like hours before he open his bag and pulled out my belt. "I have no idea how you could forget something this important" He said while handing it over to me. "I was pretty easy to get carried away in my thoughts at the minute" I replied with a small smile on my lips. "Tough?" He asked and I laughed "You dont even know". Life had been tough. My emotions were everywhere, not knowing who to trust, Always falling into the arms of the wrong men. We both sighed at the same time and I took another sip of my coffee. "So..." Punk said breaking the silence after a long moment. "Hmmm.." I replied with. "Punk, its so hard to... you think straight again. I have been messed around so much lately, What with you, my dad, Christian, Kelly and a whole bunch of other stuff..." I said trying to clear the air. "Yeah i get it Awe, Its hard to get over stuff like that. You call him dad now?" He asked and I nodded my head. I loved my dad, we just had a bit of history thats all. Punk looked down at his coffee, "Awe Im sorry for everything I put you through, its just, I wanted to protect you, even if it meant hurting us both" I looked him in the eye and smiled "I know and I understand but Punk, It hurt so bad and I promised myself I wouldnt get hurt ever again. I want to trust you I do, but there is a part of me telling me to stand back and find someone who will always be there for me" He nodded and I finished my coffee. "Punk Im sorry, I have to think about what I want, for a change. I dont want to make a mistake. See you round" I said and left the cafe.

I walked away from the CAfe with Punk inside it with my belt over my shoulder. It felt wierd walking around outside with it on, and I recieved plenty of odd looks. I headed for crusoes, the cafe I was meeting Sheamus in, for my third coffee of the day. I didnt drink coffee alot so perhaps I would have something else. I spotted Sheamus in the corner of the cafe with a magazine. I grabbed a smoothie from the counter and walked over. He smiled but looked slightly upset. "Whats wrong?" I asked, slightly paniced. He lifted up the mag and showed me the front page. "Diva's: Wild and Naughty Awe and AJ" and there was a picture of me on the curb with AJ. We both looked a mess and my black corset dress flashed my knickers and so did AJ's. My hair was over my face and AJ lay with her back on the pavement. I gasped and slumped down in the chair. "Im guessing you didnt see this before coming here" Sheamus said and I shook my head. I grabbed the magazine and inside there were more pictures of that drunken night. A picture of me about to hit Christian but falling to the floor instead, A picture of me and AJ doing shots with the miz, and picture of AJ kissing Wade!!! The title said, Is the the example we should set on a PG programme. Tears slid down my face and Sheamus grabbed my hand. "Its ok, it happens to the superstars all the time, particually the Miz" He said but it didnt comfort me one bit. We sat in the cafe for a good two hours, he managed to calm me down and we had a laugh about all sorts of things. Being with Sheamus felt good and made me happy. I didnt feel the wieght of the world on my shoulder when I was with him, It just felt normal. After the two hours we made our way to the house show tonight. "Accompany me to my match against Del Rio, again?" He asked and held up anouther Lipsy London bag. "I told you, you dont need to give me a new dress if you want me to come ring side, I will always do it for you" He smiled and said "I like doing it, Anyways I like it when I chose what you wear, Its kind of fun" And yet again we both burst into laughter.

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