So You're In

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I sat at the desk opposite the GM, only Randy was allowed in. "You think you have what it takes?" he said. "Of course" i said with confidence. The meeting dragged on with more and more pointless questions. John had been waiting outside and when i walked out i was crying and i couldnt stop, i ran into him and hugged him. I couldnt believe what i was told. How? HOW? "it doesnt matter, you can try some other time" He said to me. I looked up and laughed "I got in!! I am meeting the choregrapher in ten minutes!" i couldnt believe it. Then i heard a voice that made me shiver. "Congrats Aurora" CM Punk smiled and winked at me as he walk past. "T..ThanxPunk" Was the only thing i could say.

"So this is your brat Randy" a screechy voice asked, as we waited outside the makeup room. Vicky and Dolph Ziggler came up to us. "Excuse me!" i said before uncle had a chance to respond. "I said , your the new brat" She said coldly. "HA" i walked up to her til i was in her face, she stepped back a little, "The Orton anger doesn't just run in my uncle and grandpa, i have fire in my blood too, so back off" I said with courage i didnt even know i had. Dolph smiled at me and patted my back and quietly said "Well done, i couldn't have done that" And they both walked of, with him being dragged by her.

I was in the design room, no men were allowed in here apparently. I was in here with AJ, Kelly Kelly and Alica. They had all been really nice to me, but now it was time to come up with the style that i would keep for my whole career at WWE. The lady was very nice and i told her what image i was going for. Fortunately she knew what i meant. I wanted to be different and new. I stood up 4 hours later and didnt look like the Aurora that lived in England. My hair was still long, but know it had blck streaks in at the bottem, it was also more crimped and had a lot more volume than before. I had black mascara on and a a black streak from my eye brown to my cheek bone on the right side. My lips were Blood red. I wore a midriff top that was black with a red rose in the center and othe back it said Princess Awe in red with blood dripping from the P and A. Awe because it sounded like the begining of my name. I had Black skin tight pants with red claw marks on. I aslo wore Boots similar to AJ except they were black and red with drips of blood. I laughed and all the girls hugged me in one massive group hug.

Kelly Kelly opened the door and announced to who ever was out there "Now welcoming Princess Awe" And i laughed helplessly. I walked out and my uncle gasped, so did john and was that.. was Wayne Barret. I could handle that. "Aurora, you look outstanding" Randy said. 2Guys me and AJ have to go to the media stand to sort out my entrance" i said and walked away with AJ.

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