Kelly or Aurora?

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The bella twins made thier ridiculous entrance and they didnt have anyone accompanying them. As i looked at the two girls, trying to identify which was Nikki and which was Brie i had the best idea. I always had clips in my hair, when i didnt need them, just in case i did need them at some point. I took a few out and clipped up the bottem layer of hair, the black layer. Now my hair was totally Blonde and to be honest they was very little seperating me from looking like Kelly, except i was slightly more thinner than she was. But we were the same hieght, same hair colour and wearing the same clothes. I smiled as i waited and the match began, with AJ against Nikki.

Aj slapped Nikki in the face and Nikki retaliated with a slap, this carried on for a few more hits, until Nikki kicked AJ in the knee forcing her to get on her knees. AJ pulled nikkis hair and dragged her down, she then put nikkiin an ankle lock and smiled madly. Nikki wriggled out of the hold and dived up and tagged in Bri at the same time as AJ tagged in Kelly. I heard Michael Cole say " You cant tell the difference between Kelly and Aurora. That will be a problem for the ref" I smiled as i thought my plan would work. Kelly grabbed Bri by the head and pushed here into the clothes line, where she did her signiture bum in the face. She dived at Bri but she moved and she went rolling of the stage in agony. I got AJ to distract the Ref and me and Kelly swapped places. I lay on the floor as if in pain and Bri didnt relise i was me. She grabbed me and pushed me into the ring, I acted like i was in pain, but then i brogue kicked her in the face and smiled and looked over at AJ and Kelly. KElly looked like she was in pain, but tried to look like she wasnt. She probably pulled it of but because i knew her so well, I could tell the difference. I went for the pin and the ref counted to three. I grabbed AJ and KElly and i quickly unclipped my hair to make it look like i was Aurora again. I smiled and held the girls hands up and we walked of. Backstage Kelly bear hugged me, "Thank you soo much Awe, you safe me! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" She beamed at me, still holding her saw arm from the fall. "You should get that checked out you know" I said indicating to her arm, where i was sure a bruise would form. "Awe, that was silly, what about your head?" Aj asked in a worried tone. "April, listen to me, Its not me that decided i cant wrestle, of course i can, but GM is just taking the standard precaution. Anyway im not so sure many people really relised" I said confident no one would say anything. We walked to the changing room and i changed into my Punk top and a pair of blue shorts with nude heels. We went to he TV room to watch the rest of the show and as we opened the door a loud cheer erupted, at first i thought someone had won a good match but they were all looking in our direct. Wade, Sheamus, Zack, Miz... They were all smiling and laughing at 'Kelly's' victory over Bri. They had seen the switch and the thought it was hilarious. "Bro, That was seriously cool!" Zack said while fist pumping the air. I smiled and sat down to watch the rest of the show, Punk was doing a Pro by himself about what happened to me the previous week.

I smiled as Punk walked on, he didnt want me to go with him because he didnt want to get too emotional infront of the fans. I smiled as he grabbed the mic of Cole and he just kept his head down. He got in the ring and he paused for the Punk chants. "As many of you saw, my girlfriend was KIDNAPPED from backstage, and she was injured. Know i dont take it lightly when those i love get hurt by someone else, excpecially when i dont like that person in the first place. Now this is what i will do, You have until next week to apologse to her or there will be consiquences. But i would like to show you all the strength and the courage that my Aurora has" He said this while pointing to the titron screen. It flickered to the image of me tied to the chair, trying to break the bonds. You then saw me rip one hand free and the skin rip, and still i didnt cry. They i managed to get the other free. I got up to try the door, but of course it was locked. I stood back and ran at the door, doing a kick in mid air. The door crashed open and i fell through the door where i collapsed on the floor and Randy came running over. "She set herself free, with no help at all. Not everyone could do that. So Kane, Cody you have till next week" Then the Anomus Raw general managers laptop blicked and Cole got up to read. "I have recieved an email, And i quote" To this Punk mouthed the words with a silly face. "If you dont believe CM Punk then believe this, you have till next week to apologise, infront of the whole WWE universe or your FIRED!" I smiled at the thought of the GM taking my side and I sat and waited for Punk to make his way back to the TV room, Where i said I would meet him after her Promo.

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