Late nights and Early starts

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I woke up in Mr Laurentitce's room. As I opened my eyes I remembered everything that had happened, I looked at the clock to find i had only been asleep for 20 minutes. I must have dozed off when Sheamus carried me here, But why here? I looked up to find John standing over me. The older gentleman offered me his hand as I picked myself off his plush leather sofa. "Im sorry" I said. "It doesnt matter, what you did wasnt right, but it was justified, now I believe there is a party that some of the superstars are attending at a club. And if im not mistaken, your one of them. There is a cab waiting for you outside, Enjoy yourself" He ushered me out of the room while handing me my beautiful belt and smiling. Connor, one of the backstage guys, took me to the car, heading for my hotel. Inside was Tyson Kidd and The big show. Tyson looked uncomfortable sharing his ride with bog show but his face relaxed slightly when i got in. "PAUL, I havent seen you in ages" I said and hugged him awkwardly in the car. "AURORA, i have missed your little smart ass" He said with a grin plaster on his face. Tyson looked way to uncomfortable on our little get together. "Hi, Im Aurora, I dont believe we have met" I said and stuck my hand out for him to shake. He took my hand and shook it and smiled slightly. "Im Tyson Kidd, nice to meet you" and the rest of the car journey I talked to Paul about everything, Mainly my attack on Rodriguz which even got Kidd laughing too.

After a short ride to the hotel I stepped inside my room, which I shared with Kelly and AJ, only to find niether of them here. I knew they were at the show tonight, but just assumed that they would be getting ready by now, after all we only had 1hour 30 before we were meeting people. I took the opportunty to grab the shower. I stood under the steaming water for what felt like for ever. My body was starting to ache from tonight. As i was rinsing the bubbles out of my hair I heard the door open and close. The odd thing was, the girls were unusually quite, I couldnt even hear them whispering. I turned the water out and wrapped my hair up in a towel and wrapped my body in anouther one. I opened the bathroom door and headed for my wardrobe when I noticed two figures on Kelly's bed.... Kissing way too passionatly, which made me blush, until I saw who it was.... Kelly dived up when she saw me and lept away from the figure, as if nothing had happened. Christian lay there, flushed in the cheeks, wide eyed. "OUT! OUT!OUT!" I screemed at both of them at the top of my voice. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ROOM NOW! BOTH OF YOU!" My voice screeched and broke when i said you. I collapsed down by my wardrobe and bed. I screemed as loud as i could and saw Christian and Kelly fastening thier buttons back up. Kelly had tears in her eyes and Christian looked upset... But not the way I felt. I always felt guilty that there was three guys I couldnt choose between, but this wasnt fair. I ripped the necklace that Christian had gave me off my neck and chucked it at him as he left the room. I heard shouting outside my room and a few figure entered my room, with the door left open. My eyes became red and sore and as i looked up to see who was standing there, all i could see was the dark outlines. I sorted my breathing and tears and stood up. NO, they wernt going to ruin this for me... I am the Diva champion, Im going clubbing tonight and Im going to have fun. Forget those who wish to hurt me, forget those i wish to hurt... Just plain and simple... Have fun.

I sat on the edge of my bed, Face free of any emotion. I looked around the room. Everyone here had come running when they heard me scream, which meant they all care for me. I smiled and wiped my eyes. AJ, Cena, Randy, Zack, Punk, Show, Sheamus, Wade and even Dolph ziggler. They all stood looking at me. "I believe there is a party commencing in.... 45 minutes, and I need to get ready" I said with a smile that only AJ could have ever taught me. "Please guys" I squeeled. Yet they all stood still, "I will NOT wollow in self grieve any more! And im certainly NOT getting changed infront of everyone. Vamouse!!! Chop Chop" People started to leave and hug me on thier way out. I didnt notice Edge standing in the corner. He looked disappointed... Perhaps he thought his friend was better than that. With that, Me and AJ got ready together for a night on the town.

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