Lets train

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I woke up and turned over in my bed. I looked across the room and saw Kelly Kelly still asleep in the bed across from me and AJ asleep on the bed next to Kelly. It had been three days since i sprained my back and it had been cleared yesturday. I still had tablets but other than that i was perfectly fine. Today was friday and it was the beginning of the three day teaching. I had no idea where to start with most of these people. I looked at the clock and it said 4am. I got up, showered and curled my hair, applied make-up and looked for some training gear. I had black leggings and a black bube tube on, with a lace bodice over the top. It was more like an all in one, so i could take my leggings off later and the all in one would be fine. For now i put on my black high heels, but i had my tap shoes, ballet shoes and i didnt need shoes for modern/ hip hop dancing. I put a hoody in the same bag along with three energy drinks and some energy bars. I looked back into the bedroom and saw AJ and Kelly both stirring awake. I told them i was going for a quick walk, but i would be back before they left.

I was walking out of the hotel just in my boob tube and lace body all in one because this time of the year in america meant it was really hot. I knew where the studio was so didnt have to worry about that. I sat down on the steps leading up to the hotel and looked up into the cloudless sky. I sighed and rested my head on my hands. I heard a wolf whistle behind me "Shut up Jericho" he had been bugging me for a while now. I heard a low chuckle and turned around to see christian smirking in my direction. I jumped onto him and hugged him tightly. I smiled and kissed his cheek he smiled at me, he was still carrying me in his arms after i jumped on him. I jumped sown and he began to speak, "I wish i didnt have to share your talent" He said huffily. I looked at him, "Its what the boss wanted" I said. "Well i bought you a gift for the training" He said. "Christian, You didnt have to, your my partener!You mad BRO!" I yelled at him, clearly i have been spending too much time with Zack. "I have bought it now, so you can have it anyway" I sighed and opened the box he had passed to me. Inside was a necklace with AWE written on one side of the heart, on the other said, much love, Christian. I smiled and he helped me put it on. I hadnt worn the one Punk got me since we seperated. I said thanx and i told him i would meet him at 'Dance 4eva': The studio.

I got back to my room and got inside. Kelly was wearing a black vest top and gray joggers with nike high tops, her hair was in a high ponytail. AJ on the other hand had a thick blue hoody on and black joggers, with trainers. Her hair was in a really high tight bun, as if she was a ballirena, niether wore any make up or jewellry. "Hey, why do you get all dressed up to train?" AJ asked smiling, "Firstly you will be dressed up on the real thing and secondly i dont really do casual to be honest" I said. Kelly brought out a bag and handed it to me. The tag said "To Awe, Love Kelly and AJ XXX" I opened the bag and found pretty dimond hair band. It looked more like a tiara. I put it in and it added volume to my long hair. "Thanx girls" I squeeled and grabbed them into a hug. We left the hotel and found a rental car. We got to the studio and i got out first. I greeted the woman at the desk and she gave us all keys for the lockers. AJ stopped me and looked at the necklace. She turned it over in her hand and she looked at me and smiled goofily. "Aww, Christian likes you" She sung and skipped around the changing room. "SHHH!" I squeeked, i didnt want anyone to hear that.

15 minutes later and people started poring in. Vince Mcmahon came and sat down, i walked oer to him and he said he was picking the songs i was to work with today. I smiled and nodded, i just hope they are good songs. I saw christian,Randy, Miz, Cody, Eve, Natalya, Beth, Big Show, Swagger, Dolph, Zack, Wade, Sheamus, Kofi, R-Truth, Santino, Jericho,Cena.... and Punk. Cena obviosly dragged Punk along, not that i was happy about that. I stood at the front and looked at everyone, "Girls on the left, Guys on the right" I said and they did it automaticly. "We are going to warm up, we will start with working with the rythme. So we with stretch and do cardio work out, to the sound of the songs" Vince got the ipod and picked a song, It was Lovegame by Lady Gaga. Not too bad, we moved to the beats of the song and i tried to teach them moves. They were worse than i imagined they would be. This would take time.

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