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I woke up early the next day to two pairs of feet on either side of my head, to the alarm clock. I strechted my arms and seen all the guys doing the same thing, so i jumped up and dived for the bathroom as usual, i heard them grumble and laugh at my usual little comotion for the bathroom first. This morning i had my appointment for the spray tan and then i had a prank to play a WWE, no match though. I brushed my teeth and applied my make-up. I found my Black pencil skirt and plain white vest top, I flung those on and then put on my Blue and white heels. I left the bathroom smiing at the guys, my hair was in a tight knot on the top of my head. "I have an early appointment and I need to go, Chow!" I said as i left the room, remembering to pick up a key card this time, we were staying here for 4 days in total.

I met Kelly outside the hotel and we drove to the Tanning Salon, Sunshine. I was in the cubicle next to her, I loved having a tan, it gave you a healthy glow. We had never used this place before so we just hope that there colour scheme was the same as our usual salon. We payed and left and drove to the Arena. I looked at Kelly and her skin seemed a bit more orange then when we had left. "Kelly... Are our tans getting more orange?" I looked in the mirror and my skin was a lot brighter than it was when we left. We ran to the changing room and i put on my DX outfit and looked at my skin. By now both me and Kelly were the colour of two ripe oranges. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screemed at the top of my lungs as i seen myself in a full length mirror. I hugged Kelly and we both cried,  what were we meant to do. We heard running feet after my screem and a bunch of superstars ran into the room. "Whats wrong?" Punk asked when he saw me and Kelly on the floor crying. We both looked up and all the guys laughed, Miz, Zack, John, Punk, Wade and Sheamus. "Leave, NOW" screeched Kelly. This wasnt funny and i was on the stage in less than 15 mins. "Kelly, What will i do?" i whimpered "Im on stage in less than 15 minutes!" The door swung open again and Shawn and HHH walked through. They both hugged me. "Awe, we need you, please still come out?" Shawn said. "We heard, what happened?" Triple H asked. I gulped and turned to him, "Me and kelly were getting our usual spray tans this morning at a different salon and it kept getting brighter and brighter, now we look like oranges!". "Come on, we need you" Shawn said, "We have a good prank on your friend Cody Rhodes planned. I laughed and went to the gorilla postion with them. Cody passed us to his music and he didnt see us, which was good.

He was about to say something when the lights went out and we ran out. Me and shawn quickly wrapped him in sticky tape so he couldnt move then covered him in green paint, then Triple H, Spray Painted a huge green DX on the Floor, in a glow in the dark paint. We ran back and the lights went on again. "I knew i would get targeted, so i prepared a short clip for you all to watch" Cody said as we waited back stage, he wasnt meant to say that, we were going to walk out then. We watched the screen and tried to listen. There was a lot of grunting and moaning, then i relised it was the dare. He had recored all the noise, I could hear Sheamus moan my name aswell as Shawn and punk panting and me screeming thier names. I looked at Shawn and Triple H and my eyes filled with stinging tears. They both put a hand on my back as we continued to watch. Then on the screen, was me opening the door in a night shirt that could have belonged to anyof them, and asking if he wanted to join, with all the guys in the back. "Shit" i whispered. "Thats right guys, i had a camera in my hands but you didnt even notice did you". My music started and i didnt know why, But i ran out followed by Shawn and HHH then followed by Punk and Sheamus. Cody couldnt move so i brody kicked him and he fell on his back. I was screeming but the words didnt make sence. I felt an arm on me but again the voices told me that e deserved any harm that came to him. I kicked him and i screemed and i cried. I collapsed on the stage and cried. KElly ran out and put her arms around me, the two of us orange. "Let me explain what happened here" Shawn started, but John Cena and Randy were stood on the ramp, looking more and more angry as time passed. Shawn conitnued anyway "We all had to share a room, it was Punk and Sheamus' room but Awe would have had to share a room with that git" He said pointing to Cody in a ball on the floor. "Me and HHH didnt have a room as they werent expecting us to turn up, So we had a game of dares and that was Auroras dare, Nothing happened but a little bit of fun. Honest" He said and gave me his hand. I took it and stood up, "I just didnt expect someone to be so horrid about a big joke. He is the Joke" I said while pointing down at cody and i Left the ring. I ignored Randy and John, I ignored Punk and Sheamus, I took Kellys hand and walked to the chaning rooms. I just wanted to curl up and come out in a months time, when my skin was a real colour and when people forgot about my little spat there.

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