Friends and a horrid family secret.

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I stepped out of the car and all the superstars and divas were waiting for me, they didnt want to go in first you see. I knocked on the front door and then there was a rush. Many people swung into me and hugged me. I looked around and seen my mother, father, my three cousins:Connor, Chris and John, also my three best friends before i left: Amy, Becca and Ruby, also three boys that i remember used to have a crush on me but ended up being my good friends: James, Callum and Joe. I smiled at everyone in the room and all my new friends followed me into the living room. I smiled at Punk and he winked back at me. I felt great but then i saw two of the bullys from my old school. My mother always thought we were friends but really we hated each other, thier names were Emma and Racheal. I stuck the smile on my face and grinned at them. I didnt care if they were there, they wernt ruining my night. "Mum, why didnt you or dad not call?" i asked as i hadnt  heard from them since i left. She shrugged and said "I will tell you later on" That wasnt like here but oh well. I got a drink of pepsi and handed one to Punk, we both loved that stuff. I also got all my friends drinks too. I had a chat with Amy, Becca and Ruby and they couldnt believe my new life. The strange thing was, was i couldnt wait to get back to my true real friends, Kelly, AJ, Zack.... They were more special to me. I sat down next to Zack and we all started talking. I looked up and found Randy, John, my mum and dad arguing fearsly. They al looked really angry. "Hey guys, whats up with randy and them?" i whispered and they all shrugged. "Oh i never introduced you all" I jumped up and grabbed amy, ruby and becca and dragged them infront of the guys, "Ok, right thats Amy, Becca and Ruby" I said while pointing to them in turn "And girls this is, Kelly, AJ, Wade, Sheamus, Punk, Miz, Zack" and again i pointed to them as i said thier names. They all said hello and we began talking again. "Awe, Can we have a word please?" Randy said while my mum was crying, I looked back at the guys and sighed.

I was in the kitchen with mum, dad, Randy and John. They were all stood facing me mum and dad looked upset, while randy looked angry and John just looked mad and conflicted. "We need to tell you something"Randy said and my mum cryed a little more. "Lee and Mark, arnt your real mum and dad" He said and i looked at them "Is...IS this true?" I asked and my dad just nodded his head while my mum or ex-mum blowed her nose. "So who is... who are my parents?" I asked trying to stop tears flow down my cheeks. "Awe, im your dad and your mother died when you were born, I couldnt handle having a child and thats how Cena is your god-father.We had you for a year but it was just too hard, excpesially when we were on tours, So my sister here took you in" He said and went to hug me. I backed against the door and i couldt breathe. I ran out of the kitchen and ran out of the house. I kicked my shoes of in the living room and i ran. The hotel was literaly five minutes away and i collapsed out side the door. I cried and cried and i couldnt breathe. Yet again my vision went blurry and i couldnt see anything. I sat there for what feels like hours, which was only really minutes. I heard foot steps and saw Punk standing above me, he put his arms around me and hugged me, he gave me a paper bag and i steady my breathing. "Punk" I whimpered into his chest. "I know we all know and its ok, its perfectly fine" he said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me up to our shared room. He put me down on my bed and he went to move away, but i grabbed his arm, "Dont leave me alone please" I said quietly, so he climbed onto my bed and craddled me and i felt my eyes getting heavier. Then there was a knock on the door and alot of shouting "Let me see my daughter now" Randy yelled while wacking the door. I looked into Punks dark eyes and he just shh'ed me to sleep. I fell asleep in his warm embrace which made me feel so safe and protected.

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