Back to america

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  • Dedicated to Jack Brown, my lovely Brother

It had been two days since my fall from the ring. I was still mad at Randy for putting me out for two weeks, i was suppose to have a title shot in three days but i stil had 12 days to wait and even then i might not get cleared straight away. All the bags were packed and all the superstars were gathered in the hotel lobby. But of course you could see distinct groups within the stars. We were all waiting for the cabs and rental cars to take us back to the airport, to get us back to america. As per usual, anyone who had injuries gets the first cars. So they pulled up and me, Punk and Zack got into the first one. So far i handt had any problems with the paparazzi but my phone promptly rang out. It was the general manager. "Aurora, you and punk and zack are going to get really harassed by paparazzi and fans im affraid. There is so much more than we were estimating, you only have 4 guards and we are worried you may get knocked, get punk to put you on his shoulders." and with that he hung up, no room to ask questions. "Erm punk, GM said you have to carry me into the airport, there is too many pap's or something" i said and he just smiled and said "Fine by me". "Holy shit" me and punk turned to Zack and then we relised what he was looking at. We were close to the airport and there were cameras everywhere. They were catching us in the cab. "Right" i said. There was a blanket on the back of the seat so i pulled it down and put it over our three heads. Undernieth the cotton blanket Zack turned to us and said "How are we getting you out awe? without getting more attention and with out getting you hurt?" He looked quiet worried and so did Punk, but i suddenly got an idea. "Ok guys we have four guards right, so how about they make a path for us to get through while we run through" i said, "Thats fine but GM wants you carried in, so thats what he will get, Awe get your sunglasses on and keep a straight face" Punk said.

The guards opened the door and there was a rush towards us, like i said the guards made a narrow path for us while i was on punks shoulders and Zack was next to us. It was really wierd and when we got in we all burst out laughing. "That wasnt even funny guys" I said and laughed a little bit more. "Gees did you see the crowd out there man! Thats all for you Awe and Punk" Kellys said while coming in with AJ and Cena. We boreded the plane and i sighed, i was leaving my home country for however long. Hours later we got off and made our way to the next hotel, where they had a pool. But first GM wanted to meet us in the Lobby. We all gathered in the spacious area after we had put our bags in our rooms and freshened up. I wore blue jeans, black vest top and blue heels. The GM came out of the office on the side and told us that infact, he owned this specific hotel and that there were personalised gifts in the draws of all our rooms. I smiled at the thoughtfulnes of the man that many didnt like. "Any way i thought i would juice the next three shows up abit" He said and smiled in my direction. "There are 6 of you that are injured and cant wrestle, so we are having a competion that only a couple of you will enjoy" He continued and kept looking at me. "Some of you will be more able at this than others, i have no doubt that when you are put into your parteners, you will help each other. The activity is... Singing and dancing. I expect everyone to try thier best and i will have no excuses to say no" He then pulled out a hat full of names, he kept pulling names out. Punk was coupled with Cena and i burst out laughing, I couldnt wait to see his act. My name was pulled out and i seen some of my friends cross thier fingers. I laughed to myself and waited for who i was to be with. "Christian" I smiled at him and he ran at me, "YES!" he yelled, "Thats so unfair, how does he get her, she is like a pro at this kind of thing" Daniel Bryan yelled in distress. GM looked up and said "Thats why its random, we could have left you to chose and that way she definatly wouldnt have chose you". I giggled and smiled at him the way AJ taught me. I couldnt wait to get started, when Laurenitice started again "You can perfom up to 6 songs and for can all have 4 others on the floor, no one in anouther group, but you cant pay anyone either. You also must be the ones to coreograph it, with no help in that area. Ok of you go" I grabbed Christian and dragged him into one of the cars. I had already looked up the nearest dance studio and i was determined to book the place so no one else could, although everyone else seemed to dive into thiers cars too. The War was on.

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