A serious war?

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I had already studied the route to the studio and i knew the way, whereas no one else had a clue where it was. I parked outside and Christian looked at me like iw as mad "How did you know where this was?" He asked, "I was going to come here anyway never mind this bloody war" I said happily. "I didnt think many people would take it serious" I looked at Christian like he was mad, "Its because if you want to win you have to take it serious, everyone will want to win, we are all very competitive!" He laughed and he followed me into the studio. "Awe, how are we going to get other people, without paying anyone?" He asked, "ahh, my dear Christian" I smiled and tapped my nose.

I booked the main hall for the next two weeks. The woman was very polite when we heard a commotion back by the reception. I had put my leggings on and a cropped black tight top. Christian put on gray joggers and a plain white top. We walked back to the reception to hear shouting. Miz had been teamed up with Cody and Brie with Zack. Zack looked fed up with his partener and they all looked mad. "What do you mean its been booked for the next 2 weeks?" Cody yelled. Then he turned and saw me and Christian laughing at him. "You dont even need to train" He yelled, but i just grabbed Christians arm and we got started. I showed him the easy steps first, like leaps, spins and kicks. Then i showed him arm movements and then we went on to moving with the rythme and beats. In three hours we had done alot and Christian was feeling better about the whole thing. Now we just needed the songs, words and routines sorted. I grabbed my phone and called a few people. "Hello? Clarence?" I asked down the phone. "Aurora is that really you" He yelped down the phone "YES!" "Any way Clarence i need four dancers preferebly, Michael, Josh, James and Max?" I asked. "Sarling anything for my star, They will be on the next flight out there" He said and i squealed "Hugss and kisses" "Hugs and kisses babe!" Clarence is gay and he was my gay best friend. "Christian!! I have the four dancers that we needed!" "How did you do that without paying anyone" "I went to a performing school, my friends went there! and Clarence will do anything fro me" He hugged me and said " we have this thing in the bag man!" He yelled with glee. We made our way back to the hotel and i met up with Punk. Apparently he wasnt as happy with his partener or his skill, after all he was with someone who had no chance of learning how to sing or even move to the ryythme of anything. "Good luck tomorrow babe" I said, before we fell asleep in each others arm ready for a new performance.

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