"Alright. Now that we're done going through the syllabus, I thought I would like to end this class early by giving you all a pre-test." Frank said, as he grabbed a stack of papers by his briefcase. You heard a couple of students groaning from behind, while you, on the other hand, felt a little stressed because you thought it was gonna be graded and you didn't know any of the subjects that were gonna taught in the class. Frank chuckled when he heard the students. "Don't worry, everyone. It's not gonna be part of your grade. I just want to see your knowledge of any of the subjects that are listed on this little pre-test. There are only five different mathematical problems on here and once you're done, you can leave class." He explained, as he passed out the pre-test sheets to everyone in each row once again.

Taking the pre-test was not so easy for you. Most of the problems, except one that you somewhat recognized from high school, were not so easy. In fact, they were one that you don't recognize since you've never learned about them from all your school years of doing of math. Four students easily got the pre-test done within five minutes, mainly because they're either majoring in math or they're very talented mathematicians, while the rest of the students got it done between ten to fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, you didn't realize that you were the last one in the classroom.

You placed your hand on your forehead, feeling stressed as you were on the last question, trying to figure out the last problem of the pre-test. You shouldn't feel stressed about a five-question pre-test, but you didn't want your professor to see the results of how well you tried. "You doing okay?" You snapped out of your stress zone when you looked up and saw Frank standing in front of you, with a concerned expression on his face. You forced out a chuckle and put on a small smile on your face as you felt embarrassed for struggling on a small simple pre-test. But it quickly melted away when you stared at the expression on his face.

"Honestly, I'm struggling. Math is not my forte. I don't know any of these." You admitted. "Here." Frank simply said, and, then, he picked your paper off your desk, which surprised you. "But I'm not done with it." "It's okay. I'm gonna let you finish with what you've got. I hate to see you stressing over a five-question pre-test." Frank said, with a smile. "But are you sure?" You questioned. "Of course, sweetheart. It's the first day of math class for you and we haven't studied any of these problems you're not familiar with. Plus, if it's your last class for today, you're probably exhausted." Frank said, kindly. You nodded, while trying your hard not to blush after hearing his kind words, and said back, "I am pretty tired to be quite honest."

Then, you grabbed your backpack and put your notebook and pencil away. After that, you put your
backpack on and got up from your seat before you realized that you and Frank were the only ones in the classroom. You turned to him and said, "I'll definitely need to study for any future quizzes and exams so I can do better." "Absolutely. I know you'll do great once you study more on what subject I'll be teaching soon. If you ever have any questions or need any help at all, you can always come and talk with me about it or you can go to the math tutoring center." Frank said. You nodded, with a smile on your face.

"I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), by the way, and I'm looking forward to being in your class, Professor Tupelo." You introduced yourself to him, and, then, you held your hand out towards him. Frank smiled and, gently, took your hand into his and shook it, while you tried your best not to blush. "It's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n), and I'm very happy to have you in my class and please, call me 'Frank' if you want to." He said, and, then, he released your hand. You smiled even more and chuckled before you said back, "Okay, then. I'll see you in class on Wednesday, Frank." "I'll see you then, (y/n)." Frank said. You, then, turned and walked out of the classroom, with your face turning into a shade of pink.


For the next three weeks, you haven't been able to concentrate or study for your math class because you couldn't get Frank off your mind. Since the first day, you developed a crush on him and your feelings would get in the way on your studies, homework, and note-taking whenever you were in his class. You even would often daydream during class while he was giving a lesson. You haven't been asking him for any help or you haven't been to the math tutoring center once when there was quiz coming up each week. So far, you've done mediocre on your homework and you've already failed on two quizzes.

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