Barnabas Collins #7

Start from the beginning

When you reached the middle of the stairs, you stopped in your tracks when you saw a man speaking, in what sounded like a British accent, about any detailing in the Collinwood mansion as if he knows about it, which confused you. His face was porcelain white, he had long fingers, and he had black hair. His outfit looked as if he was from a different time, like the eighteenth century, and he walked with a cane. "Are you stoned or something?" You heard Carolyn ask the man. "They tried stoning me, my dear. It did not work." The man responded. You furrowed your eyebrows, in confusion, about what was up with this mysterious man that appeared out of nowhere until he introduced himself, "My name is Barnabas Collins."

After he said that name, that's when you instantly recognized it when you glanced up at the painting above the fireplace. The day you were hired, Elizabeth gave you a tour of the mansion, she explained the man in the painting was a distant relative from the eighteenth century named 'Barnabas Collins', who owned the Collinwood estate with his parents a long time ago in the before he somehow disappeared off the face of the Earth. But now the man claiming to be the distant relative of the family looked the exact resemblance to the one in the painting, which means he's telling the truth. 'I can't believe it's really him. But how's that possible? Unless, could he possibly be...a vampire, like me?' You thought to yourself, as you stared at his appearance, without him noticing you.

"Children, get away from that man!" Your thoughts were soon interrupted when you heard Elizabeth's voice from the top of the staircase. You turned to her as you watched her coming down the stairs and walking to the living room. "He says his name is Barnabas Collins." David explained. "And I'm pretty sure he called me 'hooker'." Carolyn added. "That'll do, Carolyn." Elizabeth said, as she approached the man. "A word, please." She told him, and, then, she gestured him to follow her to her office.

But as the two of them were walking up the stairs, the man noticed you and, then, he stopped in his tracks to take a good look at you. From your perspective, he seemed as if he was interested in you.  Once you had made eye contact with his dark brown eyes, you started to feel some sort of connection with him as you were staring at his handsome facial features. "Forgive me for not noticing you. I am Barnabas Collins." He said, as he held out his hand towards you. At first, you hesitated, but, then, you took his hand and shook it. Barnabas raised an eyebrow, in confusion, as he looked down at your hand before looking back at you. "We have the same temperature." He whispered, which caused your eyes to slightly widen.

Then, the moment was interrupted when Elizabeth cleared her throat and the two of you turned to her. Barnabas looked at you one last time before he released your hand and continued walking up the stairs with Elizabeth. You couldn't help but stare up at him as he reached the top of the staircase, still feeling that connection from him, like you didn't want him to leave. If you were human, your cheeks would've been blushing pinkish-red, while your heart would've been fluttering nonstop as you couldn't help but think about that handsome face of his.

Later on that night, you were walking down the dark hallways when you were suddenly stopped by Barnabas. You exclaimed in fright. "Oh, goodness me. My apologies for frightening you, my dear." He said. "It's alright. I didn't see you. It's like you appeared out of fast." You said. "Ah, yes. Well, I have a knack of getting to quickly. I had just a discussion with Miss Elizabeth and has accepted me back into my own house. But enough about that, I didn't get a proper introduction from you. What is your name, my dear?" "My name is (y/n) (y/l/n)." You answered. "(y/n). The most beautiful name to hear after being locked in a box for two centuries." Barnabas complimented.

It was very sweet of him to compliment on your name, but when he said the last part, you furrowed your eyebrows, in confusion, on what he meant by that. "You've caught my attention with the last part you have mentioned. Mind if we take this conversation in the library?" "If you insist. Lead the way, my lady."Barnabas said, gesturing you towards the direction of where the library was located. You, then, walked down the hallway towards the library, with Barnabas following behind you.

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