After making an awkward introduction to the five children that are the lucky golden winners and their parents, you welcomed them into your chocolate factory. While everyone was dropping their coats anywhere, you noticed a man in a fancy colorful button up shirt amongst the group that was with a boy that looked poor. He was a bit taller than you, his hair was brown with a bob haircut that went down to his jawline, and he had pale skin. You thought he seemed handsome and attractive, with a cheerful personality, but you kept those thoughts aside because you were thinking that he was the boy's father.

You learned the names and personalities of the five golden ticket winners; the plump, gluttonous Augustus Gloop, the proud, arrogant Violet Beauregarde, the spoiled rotten Veruca Salt, the ill-tempered Mike Teavee, and the curiously, sweet Charlie Bucket. When you met with the parents, the man that was with Charlie spoke out, "I'm actually Charlie's uncle." After he said that, you smiled, in relief, because you were starting to take an interest in him. Afterwards, you began the tour by taking everyone to the Chocolate Room.

Once you talked about the Chocolate Room and excused everyone to enjoy the candy, you walked around to observe the children to determine which one would be the one to receive the special prize. But your thoughts were soon interrupted when you heard a voice behind you, "Hello, Miss (y/l/n)." You jumped slightly and turned around to see Charlie's uncle standing behind you, with a gleeful smile on his face. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said. "Oh, don't worry. You didn't scare me. You just gave me the wake up call." You said, and, then, you giggled and he giggled back.

After you both stopped giggling, he held his hand out towards you and said, "My name is Willy Wonka, by the way, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Miss (y/l/n)." You smiled and took his hand in yours and shook it. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you too, Willy. Welcome to my chocolate factory." You said, and, then, you released his hand. "Thank you. I love it here. It's so beautiful." Willy said. "Thank you, Willy. Have you tried the candy yet?" You asked. Willy shook his head and answered, "No. I haven't yet." "Well, then, how about I show you around the Chocolate Room? See if there's anything you like?" You asked, as you held your arm out towards him. "I would love that a lot, Miss (y/l/n)." Willy said, as he wrapped his arm around yours, which made you blush. "Please, call me '(y/n)'. 'Miss (y/l/n)' sounds too...formal." You said, with a brief giggle. Willy chuckled, which made you smile because you thought he had a cute laugh before you both started walking together.

As you were walking with Willy down the pathway through the Chocolate Room with both arms intertwined together, you both did nothing but talk to each other. "Did you know that you can eat the grass?" You said, while pointing at the delicious grass with your cane. "Really?" "Absolutely. Everything in this room is eatable, even I'm eatable. But that is called 'cannibalism', my dear Willy, and it is in fact frowned upon in most societies." You explained, which made Willy chuckle. "You make me laugh, (y/n). Not only that, but you also inspire me too. You inspire me to open up my own candy shop, create my own candies, and become a chocolatier myself." He said.

"Ah, really? That's wonderful, Willy. I'm glad to hear that I'm inspiration to you. Do you have a candy shop around town or anywhere else?" You asked. Willy's smile faded away before he answered, "I actually don't have a candy shop right now, (y/n). I have not yet reached that goal." Your smile faded away after he said that. "Oh, why not?" You asked, curiously. "Because I'm taking care of my nephew and his family. They're poor and I will do anything I can to support them, especially to Charlie since he looks up to me. It's my way of paying them back after they helped me years ago." Willy said.

"What did they do if you don't mind me asking?" You asked. "The Buckets, Joe and Josephine, took me in as their son when I was twelve years old after I had ran away from home. I had nowhere else to go until I met the Buckets one day and they adopted me, but I still kept my last name, 'Wonka'." Willy explained. "And why did you run away from your home?" "My father's a dentist and he was very overprotective of taking care of my teeth. He was also against the idea of me wanting to become a chocolatier when I grew up." Willy answered.

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