Ichabod was about to finish when he was, suddenly, interrupted by the sound of glass shattering from Katrina's bedroom. You and Ichabod looked up at the top of the staircase before you looked at him, confused and worried. "Is everything alright, Ichabod?" You asked. He looked down at the floor, as if he was annoyed and embarrassed. "In all honesty, no, (y/n). It's Katrina. She's...well, let's just say that she is not one-hundred percent sober...for the past two months." Ichabod tried explaining. "She's drunk?" You asked. Then, there was another sound of glass shattering, which made Ichabod tense up. "Precisely." He answered, stiffly.

"Ichabod!" You heard Katrina shouting, sounding a bit slurry. He looked at you, with fear in his eyes, and whispered, "I'll be right back." Then, he turned around and ran up the stairs. "Coming, Katrina, darling!" He yelled, before he got to the top of the staircase and went inside her bedroom. You hesitated for a second before you went upstairs to see if everything was alright because you were worried for Ichabod's safety when he's dealing with a drunk Katrina and her shattering bottles.

Once you got to the top of the stairs, you followed the sound of Katrina shouting and Ichabod, calmly, talking to her from her bedroom on the right side of the hallway. You walked up to the door and listened to what they were saying. "Where were you, Ichabod? I kept calling for you and you didn't answer!" You heard Katrina, slurring a bit. "I was downstairs hiring our new house maid, Katrina. I showed her around the house and told her what to do for her job." Ichabod explained. "Oh, really? You only hired her because she's prettier than me." Katrina said. "That is not true. It's for business reason, darling. She is staying with us, of course." Ichabod said. "She's staying with us?!" Katrina shouted. 'Boy, isn't this gonna be nice staying here with his drunk woman that Ichabod is married to?' You thought to yourself, while you rolled your eyes.


Over the next three months, you've been working as a maid for Ichabod and Katrina. It was tough for the first couple of days, mainly because of Katrina and her drunken outbursts, but you soon got the hang of it and you've gotten used to living in your new home. Even Bella gotten used to the new place. Whenever Ichabod came home from work, he would always ask you if you were alright and made sure you weren't hurt after dealing with Katrina, but you told him that you were fine, even though you were always nervous whenever you were around her. But you were thankful that he was always looking out for you because you know that he cares about you and your safety.

You've been so infatuated with Ichabod lately because of the way he treats you with kindness and generosity since the day he first met you. Whenever he sees you and asks you if you were alright, your heart would start to flutter. Plus, he loved Bella so much whenever he came to visit her in your bedroom or whenever she was walking around the house. You felt as if there was some sort of connection Ichabod was starting to feel differently from you than what he has felt from Katrina. But you focused on the your job and kept your feelings to yourself because he was married and you didn't want to stir up any problems if Katrina ever found out your little secret.


It was a cold January evening as you were carrying in a few small logs you just chopped up into Katrina's bedroom. She was lounging on her bed, as usual, while filing her fingernails and had a bottle of booze next to her side. She looked up at you, with a scowl on her face, as you walked passed her. "Where have you been? I've been chilled for almost half an hour! Hurry up and light a fire! And make sure not to touch anything in my room with your dirty, filthy hands!" She said, in a demanding tone, while you you rolled your eyes as you were placing the logs into the fireplace, lit a match, started the fire. Then, you heard Katrina inhaling and exclaiming in disgust. "What is that awful smell? When was the last time you had a bath?" She asked, rudely. "Perhaps you're smelling yourself after drinking so much booze." You said, while standing up.

After you said that, a glass bottle was thrown on the wall above you, causing it to shatter. You gasped, in fright, as you turned around and faced Katrina. "Get out of my room! Get out! Get out! Get out!" She shouted, as she grabbed another empty bottle and tried to throw it at you, but it got the wall instead. You yelped before you ran out of the bedroom and closed the door just as you felt an empty glass bottle smashing against the other side of the door. You sighed, in relief, as you stepped away from the door.

"What is going on here?" You gasped and put your hand over your chest when you turned and saw Ichabod standing by the stairs after hearing his voice. He saw your reaction and walked towards you, with a worried expression on his face. "(y/n), are you okay?" He asked, as he, gently, placed his hand on your shoulder. "Everything's fine, Ichabod." You lied. Then, there was another sound of an empty glass bottle smashing against the door, spooking Ichabod and making you glance at the door. Ichabod looked all over you to see if you were hurt. When he looked at your left hand, he noticed a small cut. "Let's get out of here, (y/n)." He whispered, and, then, he took your right hand and you both walked down the stairs.

When he walked you to his study, he closed the doors and he sat you down on a chair before he got out his medical bag that he uses when examining corpses. He took out a roll of bandages, which confused you, then, he walked over to you, took your left hand, and started wrapped the small cut that you just noticed. "Katrina. How dare she tried to hurt you." Ichabod said, sounding irritated. "She only threw the bottle above me. I didn't even feel that piece of glass cut my hand." You said. "It was probably from the shock you had after she threw that bottle at you, where you didn't feel it." He made an assumption, as he finished wrapping the bandage around your hand.

"There you go. All better." Ichabod said, before he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on top of your bandaged hand, directly on the spot where your cut was. You blushed and smiled after he did that. "Thank you for doing that, Ichabod." You said. "You're most welcome, (y/n). I do apologize for Katrina doing that to you. She's gone too far where she has reached my limit with dealing with her outbursts. Ever since I brought her here from Sleepy Hollow and she went out exploring the city and the booze, she wouldn't stop drinking ever since then. That's why I'm done with her." Ichabod said, as he stood right back up.

"What do you mean, if you don't mind me asking?" You asked, curiously, as you stood up from your chair. He turned to you and answered, "What I mean by that, (y/n), is that I've decided to divorce Katrina." You were shocked when he said the word 'divorce'. "You are?" "Absolutely, I am, (y/n). I've had enough of her and her drinking outbursts. She doesn't even treat me like a husband anymore. Plus...I've found someone else that I have fallen in love with." Ichabod said. When he mentioned that he has found someone else he's in love with, you stepped closer, curious to know who it was. "And who's the woman you fell in love with, Ichabod." You asked.

Then, without saying a word, Ichabod walked over to you and caressed both of your cheeks with his hands before he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You were surprised, at first, but, then, you closed your eyes and kissed him back. He kissed you, slowly and gently, before he pulled away from the kiss and looked down at you, with tenderness in his eyes and kept his hands on your cheeks. "It's you, sweetheart. You're the one I fell in love with, (y/n)." He whispered. You smiled and blushed even more before you kissed him again and he kissed you back, while wrapping his arms around your neck to pull you closer towards him.

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