Chapter 52: Phoenix

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Ayeee_it_Kayyy this one is for you gorgeous xx


"Wake up Child. Now. Before your Bear comes for you."

I opened my eyes and saw a bright blue sky dotted with fluffy clouds through the trees above me. I sat up and looked around, finding myself to be in my special place back in Colorado. I must be dreaming. But Finn is usually here with me. Where is he?

"Child. Look at me."

I looked to my right and my eyes went wide when I found Chaska's grandmother to be there instead of Finn. I've never dreamt of anyone else here but Finn. How odd.

"I see you followed your destiny as I had said. I can feel your energy and it is much stronger than it was before. You are sick and in transition, yes?"

I nodded as I stood up and faced her, trying to figure out what was going on. It feels like this is a dream but at the same time her presence feels so real to me. Like she's actually here with me right now. It's a weird feeling. This is weird.

"The fire burning in you is strong. Very strong. A fire bird. A Phoenix. It burns brighter than the sun. I am here because I have a message for you-a vision I have had. I have not traveled in another's dreams for a very long time and I am losing my strength so listen closely."

I nodded, waiting for her to continue. I wonder what she has to say-what she's seen. It must be important if her soul has traveled to my dream to share it with me.

"Your Phoenix must stay strong or it will be consumed by a great darkness. But if the Phoenix and the darkness can coexist harmoniously it will become an eternal light.

"A fire that never wanes and brings light to the world, and a darkness that never absorbs everything around it but provides just enough shade to stay cool in the great fire. A perfect balance.

"So be ready Child. Your next task at hand will be harder than this one. But I know you will succeed. That is all I can tell you. Your Bear is approaching so I must go. Safe travels Child."

She disappeared just as Finn came through the bushes and looked around. When his eyes met mine I smiled and waved and he gasped, running over to me and pulled me against his chest.

"God I missed you. So much. Did I hear you talking to someone?" He asked as he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

I wanted to tell him but I was concerned at what I was feeling through our bond. He was upset-very upset. And that was more important to me at the moment.

"Don't worry about it. But what's wrong? I can feel you're sad. Are you okay?"

Finn shook his head, pulling me back into his arms and squeezed me so tight I could barely breathe. "You've been in a coma for over a week Nova. I've been waiting for you to wake up but you won't. I'm afraid you never will."

I grew even more concerned when tears welled up in his eyes and his frown deepened. I had to wake up. I needed for him to see that I was okay so he would be okay. I don't like it when he feels like this. And it's all my fault too.

"I'll wake up. I promise. Don't give up on me."

Finn chuckled but it was full of pain. So much pain. It made me panic. I had to wake up. I have to wake up! WAKE UP!

I shot up with a gasp and fell back with a groan as my whole body ached and my head pounded. I looked to my right and saw Finn was asleep in a chair, his hand on the bed still holding mine.

He jumped awake when I poked the side of his face and glared at me when I did it again. It took him a second to realize I was awake and then he gasped, tackling me against the bed and all but cried his eyes out when I held him back.

"You came back! You're awake!" He cheered, kissing all over my face.

"What happened?" I asked as he pulled away to hand me a glass of water to drink from. Thank god cause my mouth and throat are horribly dry.

"You passed out after the bite. You've been in a comatose state for over a week. I thought I lost you."

I remember him saying that in my dream. And that I was visited by Chaska's grandmother too. I remember everything she said and I made sure to memorize it so I could write it down later. Another prophecy to follow. Let's just hope I don't have to die to fulfill this one.

"Is everyone okay? I've been out for over a week. Damn."

"Everyone is fine. Worried but fine. Do you feel any different?"

"I feel stronger. And my senses have definitely heightened again. I can hear everything around me. It's intense. But I did it Finn. Just as the Fates had said. I got sick and now I'm stronger. I can beat Valkyrie."

Finn chuckled and kissed the side of my head, pulling me back into him and held me tight. I much preferred him feeling happy over being sad.

"At least take a day to rest. For me. I'll be right back okay? Stay here."

I watched him leave confusedly just before I was tackled against the bed again by someone else. This time it was Finch.

"I said no more near-death experiences you stupid bitch!" She cried into my shoulder, holding me even tighter. I'm getting a lot of bear hugs today.

"And I said no promises."

Finch pulled away and sat down, looking at the scar from my new bite.

"How do you feel?" She asked as she continued to examine me.

"Hungry and sore. But I feel okay. I'm ready to challenge Valkyrie. I want my revenge."

Finch chuckled and shook her head, giving me a small smile. "You mean redemption."

That works too.

I was about to respond when a loud scream echoed throughout the room. I turned to my left just in time to be tackled yet again. This time by Alex.

"You had us worried sick! I've never seen Finn and Chaska so sad before! How are you feeling? Are you okay? Your eyes are so bright it's a trip to see! Did you change more? Are you faster? Stronger? I have to know!"

Jeez. I guess they all really did miss me.

"I'm okay. I feel stronger but I won't know until I test it out. But I definitely know I'm ready to challenge Valkyrie again. Are you guys ready for one last mission to gain our freedom?"

"Let's do it!" Alex called out as she high-fived me, everyone else agreeing too.

I can do this. I will.

Valkyrie is going down.

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now