Chapter 30: I Must Be Famous

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I'm so sorry for the late update guys! I shit you not I literally worked 104 hours this week. But you'll love to hear this! I quit that job! I have a new one I start soon and the hours are way more manageable than what my old job was doing to me! So I'll be able to update more. Anyways enjoy Violet's point of view! She reminds me so much of Finn it's crazy! I love you all and thank you for your patience!!!

littlemissreading this one is for you!


Nothing that's happened over the past few days hit me until I was standing before Nova's family's home. They were expecting me today but I was early so it gave me some time to gather myself before I introduced myself to them.

I missed so much in the past three years. I can't believe I was dead. I could never thank Nova enough for saving me. I would've given up in a week or not finding someone throughout this mess. But she never gave up so I could be with my son again. I owed her more than I could ever give her.

The best part was I have many years ahead of me now with her in my life so I know I have time to do so. Not only did she save me but she saved my Finny too. Protected him and cared for him and gave him life. Died for his safety. The more I think about it the more I realize just how much she's done for me and my son.

I'm so happy they found each other and I can't wait until she's officially part of my family. I've always wanted that for my son knowing just how much he wanted it himself. And he couldn't have found the more perfect woman to be by his side forever. I hope they come home soon. I want to get to know her better. I have so many questions only she can answer. I just hope she answers them soon.

The front door opened and a tall woman with bright blonde hair and deep blue eyes stepped out, smiling and waving at me as she approached. The closer she got the more nervous I became. I had to make sure I made a good impression on Nova's family since I'll be seeing them until my time comes. I also wanted them to like me. I haven't been around this many people in a long time but I was actually kind of excited for it. It's been so long since I've been a part of a family. And I desperately wanted to belong.

"You must be Violet! I'm Morgan! Nova's mother! It's so good to finally meet you!" She cheered as she pulled me in for a hug. I immediately hugged her back, sighing in relief at how welcoming she was.

I feel better already.

"I know you've had a long flight so let's get everything inside and I'll show you to your room. Guys come help!" Morgan called out as she grabbed a box of Finn's belongings from the back and went inside the home. I followed her and did my best to wave at everyone as Morgan led me up the stairs and into a room at the end of the hall.

"This will be your room for now. I'll have Molly bring you blankets and a pillow for the bed. Once you're settled in go ahead and come downstairs to meet everyone! Gryffin and Shasta are excited to meet you!"

I took care of my things as they were brought to me and once I was finished I felt exhausted and realized just how tired I was. Hungry too. But I need to meet everyone first. Especially my grandchildren.

"Dinner everyone!" Morgan called out just as I finished descending the stairs. Whatever she had made smelled so amazing my stomach rumbled hard the closer I got. And wow. Her family is huge! This is amazing!

"Hello Violet! Everyone this is Finn's mother Violet!"

Everyone turned and hugged and introduced themselves. I was hoping I'd remember all of their names but it's highly unlikely as there's so many of them. But I had plenty of time to learn for as long as I'm welcomed here. The only two people I didn't get to meet were my grandkids. Apparently they were still down for their nap but that's okay I'll meet them later. For now I can get to know everyone else.

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