Chapter 47: Honey Pot

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I woke up to soft kisses along my shoulder and up my neck, all over my face and then finally my lips. I kissed back and then opened my eyes to find Finn already watching me.

"Good morning Killer. It's time for breakfast. And I brought it to you. Sit up."

I yawned big as I sat up, rubbing my tired eyes. I actually got some sleep. I slept maybe ten hours the whole week we were in the compound. I didn't feel safe there like I do here. And damn I needed sleep.

I'm glad Finn brought me breakfast because I'm still tired and feeling so lazy I don't want to get out of bed at all today. But I had to see Finch. And Booker. Especially Booker.

Finn placed a tray on my lap and sat back down with his own. I know Finn barely slept too so we were both exhausted. I rested my head against his shoulder and quietly ate, just enjoying the peace I felt coming from him. And while I was eating I thought about what Chaska's grandmother had said to me.

You will lose a great battle to someone stronger than you. You will not be dying child. You will become very sick. But then you will fight again. And you will be victorious.

So I already hit phase one. I lost a great battle to someone stronger than I am. I hate that I couldn't fight destiny but fighting destiny is impossible. The Fates wanted it to happen so it did.

I don't know how me losing is fate but knowing I do win means that Fate isn't that much of an asshole. I guess I just needed to be knocked down a peg or two. Maybe I was too confident that day. I shouldn't have pushed my luck challenging Valkyrie. But I can't take it back now and I wouldn't.

Because now I'm following my destiny.

So all I have to figure out is how I get sick and become stronger. How I'll fight her again and this time win. And only then will I be able to save the world. After I win I restore peace. After I win I get my forever. So I guess losing was worth it in a way.

It means I was another step closer to my forever with Finn. With everyone. So I can take one loss. I think that's fair. Now I just need to decipher the rest of her message to me and figure out where to go from there.

But first I need to spy on Valkyrie and try to figure out how she beat me when I have a bite on her. That's the part that just doesn't make sense to me. I should've been stronger and faster than her. So how did she beat me with one less bite? It made no sense.

"You've got your thinking face on. I also feel confusion and determination. What's going on in that head of yours?" Finn asked as he made me look up at him.

"Valkyrie only had two bites. I don't understand how she beat me when I'm supposed to be stronger and faster than her. That's why I'm confused. She shouldn't have won. And as for determination I'm determined to fight her again and win.

"I'll accept my one loss only because I know I fight her again and win. But I need to figure out how she beat me first. And that means I need to infiltrate her residence and try to figure out how she beat me. If I take her down that means I restore peace to the world. It means we get our forever. I need to do this. Will you help me?"

Finn smiled and nodded, moving our trays to the side table and had me face him. "Tell me the plan."

I thought about it for a moment and began fitting more puzzle pieces together the longer I thought about it. I had a way to spy on Valkyrie without actually being inside of her home and I completely forgot about it until now. If I can do this right I can beat her. I know it. And I have the best second-in-command I could ever ask for. Finn and I could do this easily.

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя