Chapter 15: Your Turn

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Nova was helping me prepare for my date with Alex. It will be nice to have some normalcy before going into the middle of the mess called California. But I was a nervous wreck. I did not want to mess this up but I did not know what to do. God this is terrifying. I am beginning to freak out. This has to go right but I am afraid I will ruin things before they even begin. I feel terrible. But also excited. But mostly nervous. Very nervous.

"Nova I am very nervous I have never tried to court a woman before and she is just so beautiful I am unsure of what to do. Are you sure these are the things she will like? What should I say or do? What if I mess up and she does not want to see me any longer? I am so nervous-Jesus Chaska shut up. I made sure to ask her before you asked for the date. She told me this herself. And just be you Chaska. Be your friendly, funny, kind, and genuine self. If she doesn't love you for you she isn't the one for you. But I know she will. I love you and I don't like anyone. If she doesn't see how awesome you are she isn't worth your time. But I know she will so just calm down. Now what are the rules?"

I slightly relaxed as Nova turned around so I could change. She searched through my closet for a shirt to wear and I know she will do well. I do not know what I would do without this woman. Even if she is a little crazy. Still one of the most genuine people I know.

"Thank you Nova. Okay the rules. Pull out her chair. Open all doors. Tell her she looks beautiful. Ask about her interests and hobbies. Talk about her dog that she loves so much. Ask her questions about herself. When she asks questions about myself be modest and humble. When I walk her back to her room wait for the pause when she goes to go in. If she pauses she wants a kiss and I make the move. If she does not do not push a kiss. Leave her with a kiss to the cheek instead and a goodnight. If there is a second date then try for a kiss. Am I forgetting anything?"

Nova turned back around and examined me, nodding her head slowly. She gave me my blood red shirt and nodded again once I put it on. We are cliff diving which sounds exciting but also a little frightening. I have gained much muscle working with Nova and I was not as scrawny as I used to be. I actually looked pretty good. Huh. I have never felt this confident in myself before. Now I must hold onto it all night and hope I do not faint with Alex's dirty words. I have a feeling I may faint anyways.

"Nope. You're ready. I better be the best man at your wedding. Tomorrow we'll be out looking for Finn's mom so we'll be both be having fun tonight and taking a break. But we have to find her before we go to California. Sorry don't worry about that tonight. Go have fun with your girl and remember the rules! Is my recipe in your backpack?"

Nova mentioning marriage had my face matching my shirt. We are not quite there just yet. I would like to marry her though at some point. I will think about that later. I opened the front pocket and pulled it out to show her. She smiled and checked my bag before saying I could go. Now I was nervous again.

"Remember no one is allowed to see that. You burn it after you finish with dinner. But you'll nail it Chaska. I know you will. Just be you and I know she'll like you. Now go and get your girl! I want all the details later!"

I took a deep breath before heading towards Alex's room. I really hope this goes well. I need it to go well. I stood outside her door for a solid five minutes and could not bring myself to knock. But I did not need to. Alex opened the door and just before I could say hello her dog jumped on me and knocked me to the floor. She showered me with kisses and while I was slightly embarrassed I still managed to laugh. Alex was laughing too.

"I'm so sorry about her! She's never like that with anyone! Come here Lady."

Lady got up and went to her side as I pulled myself back to my feet and smiled at Alex again. She looked beautiful. No makeup on her face which I liked. I do not care for it. I prefer natural beauty over a painted face. She was in a black shirt and blue shorts with her hair up but I think she looks amazing. And she is going out with me. It must be too good to be true.

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