Chapter 35: Damn Am I Happy About It

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Next chapter shit gets wild. Well I should say next few chapters. I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update. Life is crazy right now. But I have a bunch of chapters written down I just have to type them out on here and I plan on doing a majority of them since I have the next couple days off! Thank you for your patience and enjoy the show (:


Nova and I procrastinated getting out of bed even though we really needed to. We were so caught up in each other nothing else seemed to matter. I like moments like that. When it's just us two together and we're oblivious to the real world. I'm surprised we could even get to this state with everything that's going on. But I was happy about it. I miss being in our bubble. I could stay here forever.

"We have to get up Finn. We can't stay in bed all day."

I groaned and held her down as she tried to stand, not ready to go yet. I just wanted to lay my head on her boobs and listen to her heart for the next five days.

"Come on Finn. The faster we do this the faster we can come back for round two."

I guess that's fair.

The group was waiting for us in the living room with knowing grins and wiggling brows. Nova was beet red but I thought it was funny. She's so weird when it comes to bedroom talk.

"Alright Love Birds, what's the plan?" Alex asked, the blush still never leaving Nova's face.

"Check out the second half of the compound and eat dinner. I'm starving." Nova said as she started to suit up with her weapons.

"Yes. I am sure you have worked up quite the appetite with your...activities." Chaska teased, earning a high-five from his girlfriend as everyone laughed.

Nova became even more red and gave them both the finger, turning away and rubbing at her cheeks trying to cool them down.

"Get ready or I'm leaving you behind." Nova hissed, rolling her eyes when they continued to mock us as they dispersed.

I poked Nova's very red cheek with a grin, loving how embarrassed she was. This woman is never bothered by anything but making fun of our sex life lights her ass up like a fucking Christmas tree.


"I can feel how much you're enjoying my embarrassment. I suggest you stop before I pledge celibacy."

Ha. Yeah right.

"Yeah right. You wouldn't last a day. You love Vlad the Impaler." I replied cockily, my smile growing when Nova rolled her eyes again and looked away from me.

"Not when you call it that." She replied curtly, annoyed with my antics.

Bothering her will never get old.

"What should I call him then? Captain Cock? Rufus the Naked Mole Rat? Maybe Womb Raider?"

Nova's eyes were wide and then she huffed, shoving me away when I tried to pull her hips into mine. "Jesus Christ Finn. I want a divorce."

"We're not married. Yet. And good luck trying to leave me. Not gonna happen. You're mine forever Killer. Til death do us part."

Nova smiled slightly and shook her head. And I didn't expect what she said next.

"When we get married are we dancing to Alive or Found You? I kind of like the idea of dancing to Alive. The first song I've ever slow danced to. The first song we danced to. I don't know. Thoughts?"

Nova has mentioned marriage on her own twice now. What in the fuck is going on? I have to be dreaming. It's making me want to propose even more. It makes me think she wants it too. Now is not the time but I don't know how much longer I can hold on for the perfect moment.

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang