Chapter 14: Innocent Bone

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New POV for you today. Enjoy (;


It amazed me that such a pretty mouth could say such dirty things.

Practice with Alex had become a daily thing and she never failed to make me a stuttering mess. She reminded me of Nova in many ways. Spoke her mind freely, swore up and down like the "F" word was the only word in her vocabulary. She was a very skilled fighter too. I worked with Nova for one hour and then Alex for one as well.

Nova had made me into the warrior I wanted to be and I know I could beat Alex but the idea of hurting her holds me back. I allow her to beat me every time because I could not live with myself if I hurt her. I was brought up to never raise a hand to a woman and I took that seriously. Nova is the only woman I have ever laid my hands upon and I preferred it to be that way.

I learned from Alex but did her no harm. It would be a shame to hurt such a beautiful face. I have never seen such hypnotizing brown eyes. I could look into them forever. The golden flakes from the vaccine made them even more beautiful.

My brown eyes before I became a Resistant resembled dirt compared to her bright eyes. Full of mischief and light and humor.

Alex was so expressive.

Being around Nova and my grandmother made me forget that women do have emotions. They hid theirs well but Alex was an open book. And I liked that. I know I am just as expressive as her.

My face is terribly red as she continues to torture me with her foul words. I can barely speak straight around this woman let alone deal with this. I believe she enjoys torturing me. I do not like it but at the same time I do.

I have never courted a woman before let alone be courted by one either. But I had a Finn moment the first time I saw her. I knew I wanted her to be mine as soon as she smiled at me. That was all it took to win me over. But I had a problem.

Again I have never courted anyone before. I was probably one of the most inexperienced men in the world when it comes to a relationship. I desperately wanted to sweep her off her feet but I was not sure as to how I would do such a thing.

Maybe I should talk to Nova. I know she will tease me but I also know as my dearest friend she would help me. I needed help. And also an ice pack because this girl is making me burn with embarrassment at her sullied words.

"How about if I win this round we celebrate? With Marvin Gaye and a bottle of wine?"

Well that was not so bad. I have never heard of this man but I could definitely do that. She will be winning anyways.

"Specifically to Let's Get It On as we do just that."

Oh. Wow. I should have seen that coming. I do not think this woman has an innocent bone in her body.

"You do not have one innocent bone in your body." I huffed out, my face a deep red.

Probably all of me was a deep red.

"I only want one innocent bone in my body and it's yours."


Oh dear.

I may faint.

I could hear Nova laughing and turned to glare at her but she was not phased. She was enjoying my torture. Two of the women in life enjoying torturing me how is that fair?

"Alright I'm ready for a shower and dinner. If you want to take me up on my offer you know where to find me. See you later Hot Stuff!" Alex said as she slapped my behind and walked off.

Nova was dying at this point. I do not think I have ever been this embarrassed before. And why did I actually want to find her for that date? I just wanted her for a date honestly. Maybe not the Marvin Gaye one but I did want to do something with her. That did not involve...that stuff. I have never even kissed a girl let alone go to bed with one. High Power how can you be so cruel?

"Alex is great! Chaska...holy shit keep her forever!" Nova continued to laugh and I may have never hit a woman before but I was surely considering it. How does Finn do it? Nova was merciless. He is a strong man that is for certain.

"Can you stop laughing at me long enough to help me please?" I huffed when her laughing did not cease.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. Whew. I'm sorry that was just great. Alex is smooth. Okay. What do you need help with?"

I rolled my eyes when Nova continued to giggle but she was my only hope. I have no others I can speak to about this aside from Finn but I was not sure where he was. Nova was my only option.

"I want to take Alex on a date but I do not know how to ask her. Or what she would even like to do. And she makes me very nervous. She has a dirty mind that gives yours a run for its money. What do I do?"

Nova's laughter finally died down when she saw how desperate and upset I was. This was uncharted territory for me but I would do my best to navigate it if it meant I could have my forever too.

"Okay Dude chill out. I already planned this and she wants to go cliff diving. There's a spot about two miles East on the beach. Take her there. And as for asking don't ask. Tell her you're going out. Now here's the rules."


I found Alex easily. I reviewed Nova's rules in my mind and followed through with her plan. Let us hope it works as she believes it would.

"We are going out tomorrow afternoon. And wear a bathing suit. That is all you may know. Goodnight Alex."

I walked away and even though Nova told me not to look back I did anyways. Alex was staring at my behind and grinned when our eyes met. I quickly looked away when I felt my face grow red again but I had done it.

I had a date. How exciting.

Now I just have to hope I do not make a fool of myself. But if I am around that woman I am sure I will.

Please Higher Power, be on my side.

Make this work out.

Because I desperately wish for it to.

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