Chapter 2: Oh Dear

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I woke up maybe two hours later but wasn't ready to move yet. It was about a thirty-eight hour flight and the seats weren't exactly comfortable either. The only time I was comfy enough to sleep was when I put my head on Finn's lap and stretched out. He let me sleep for a while too without one complaint.

He's the best.

My head was still on his chest so I looked at him and smiled slightly as he released quiet snores. I was nervous about him being here with me and putting his life in danger but he was right. We do really make a good team. He was my top priority now. I'd let California be burnt to hell before I let Finn die on this mission.

I was going to make sure we both made it out of here alive so we could have our forever. That was all I wanted. I need to shake off my stress and sadness and woman up. I have to be thinking clearly for this. Once I know more I can make a plan for what we need to do but I need more information than Nixon gave me in that folder.

And I also needed to figure out what I'm going to do while I'm here too. I have to work with Hana and Kobi too if they plan on joining the fighting side. I had so much to do I was starting to stress out again.

"I can't sleep with your emotions all over the place." Finn grumbled as he yawned into his hand and rubbed my back with the other one.

"Sorry. My mind won't shut up. We should probably go find Abbott though it's been a few hours now."

Finn groaned and put a pillow over his face. "I don't wanna."

"Get up Finn. The faster we do this the faster we get to come back and sleep."

We both got up and put our shoes on. I was so ready for sleep it's not even funny. I grabbed the box from my bag with the cure in it before Finn and I left our room to knock on Finch's door. I got Chaska and then Kobi and Hana, then Walowski, and finally Ashton, leading them all to Abbott's office.

I peeked in the window and he was sitting at his desk going through paperwork. I knocked and he looked up with a smile and waved for us to enter. Finn and I took the only two seats in front of his desk as everyone else surrounded us.

"Glad to have you all here! So I printed up maps for each of you until you memorize where everything is. Are you ready for the tour?"

We all agreed so he lead us out of his office and down the hall to the right. He gave a little detail on what rooms were what but those didn't matter. They either belonged to people or were empty. Not something I need to worry about.

"First stop is the lab. Did you bring the cure?"

I passed him the box and he opened it as we walked through the door into the lab. Walowski looked around at everything like a kid in a candy store. He's never going to leave here willingly.

"You made the cure correct?" He asked Walowski who was still looking around in awe. This lab was twice the size of Nixon's and packed with different machines and shit I don't even know the names of. Walowski was in heaven.

"Yes. I did."

"Feel free to wander and do as you please. If you could help to start producing more of the cure it would be appreciated. Those two scientists will help you the most. Now let's continue."

He showed us where the main cafeteria was, the movie theater, the bowling alley. The shooting range. The giant pool. The tracks to run at. The smaller gyms. Even where we do laundry. They had everything here. I'm actually kind of excited now.

"So before I take you to our last stop-the main gym I would like to ask you something." Abbott said as he turned to face me. I narrowed my eyes at him. I still don't like him. He seems to be too nice.

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now