Chapter 21: Stoner Station

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Movie night went great. We watched my mom's three favorite movies and now we're taking another walk to talk about life. I got to tell her a lot but not everything the last time we had one of these talks and I know she has more questions. And after not hearing her voice for so long or being able to talk to her about everything like I've always done I would do anything to hear her voice and see her smile.

To think I never would be having these conversations if it wasn't for the woman that will be my wife someday. I can't wait for that day either. And now my mother can be a part of it just like she's always wanted-that I've always wanted too.

I don't know how I managed to find the most selfless and caring woman in the world but I did. She kept her promise to me and managed to do what she needed to get done and never complained once.

I still don't even know what I could do to repay her for giving me my mom back. But I'd think of something. She deserved it. She deserved everything and more.


I looked at my mom and smiled, happy to see her. I missed her so much and now I don't have to miss her anymore. I owe Nova more than I could ever give her.

"Sorry. Spaced out. What'd you say?"

"I asked about my grandkids. I have two you said? Tell me about them."

I may not have been too thrilled about Gryffin at first but now I do love the kid. Nova and I work on sign language for an hour every night before bed too. I can have full conversations and understand most of what they say during their video chats every night now too. I still have more to learn but Nova is a good teacher. She's good at everything.

"I'll start with Shasta. She'll be seven in November. Hates anything with health value but Nova is a good mom so she makes her eat it anyways. Absolutely crazy about her dog Cheese. She loves dogs. I think she's going to be an artist when she grows up she loves to draw and color and paint. Very outgoing and loud and opinionated. Really good at arguing too. And she knows how to work me.

"Nova is good with being stern but me? I tell Shasta no and she somehow turns it into a yes. Total daddy's girl too. But she's also sweet and loving and kind and has a big heart. She likes everyone and everyone who meets her loves her too. Too smart for her own good and can be a little shit sometimes but she really is a good kid.

"Especially with everything that was happening when we were here last year. I think she knew she had to be good while we fought for our lives and took it easy on us. But once we were safe and she knew she could really come out of her shell she's almost like a different kid. But she's amazing. I love her to death."

"How did you find her? And what made you decide you wanted to make her yours? You've always been adamant about having a Finnley Jr. so what made you take her on even though she's not yours?"

"Nova saved her. The compound we were at got overrun by a horde. Zombies were everywhere and we were executing our escape when a lady ran for us asking for help. Nova tried to get to them in time but the mom was bit and practically threw Shasta at Nova asking her to save her. Nova killed her mom but managed to rescue her and we made our escape.

"We were going to give her to Nova's aunt but she caved pretty easily and made it clear Shasta was here to stay. I wanted four kids but never said they had to be biological. I just figured I have three more chances at my Finnley Jr. so why not take her in? Worth it too. She's a good kid."

"What about the boy? Gryffin you said? Odd name. Tell me about him too."

"Gryffin...he had a rough life at first. He was adopted three separate times and brought back each time because he's deaf. Didn't even have a name. Nova loved him from the start. Her younger brother is deaf and she pretty much raised him so she understood how out of place Gryffin really felt. Especially since the other kids didn't want anything to do with him.

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