Chapter 53: Little to No Masculinity

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We all forced Nova into taking the day off to recover but you could tell she didn't want to relax. She wanted to fight. I didn't blame her either. If she fights Valkyrie and wins that's it. We're free. I want to fight the bitch too but this was Nova's battle-not mine. Still didn't mean I wouldn't have her back though.

Today we were going to test Nova out and see just how much she had changed. If she was faster and stronger. If her senses had improved. Walowski had even come out of the lab and with the help of his husband they set up different tests for her to do.

Oh yeah forgot to mention that.

Remember the guy we saved and used his blood to help Nova get bitten again? That was Walowski's husband. Apparently he did survive and had been taken captive by Savages but escaped and has been looking for Walowski ever since.

I guess some of Kane's people had picked him up and sent him to the California base saying their old doctor named Walowski was there making the cure. He was on his way to the base before he ran into the horde and ever since then he's been with his husband every second of every day.

Small world we live in.

"Alright so let's test your senses first. We'll begin with hearing. I'm going to have Lav bounce a basketball across the base from one of the four cardinal directions and you have to find him. Are you ready?"

Nova nodded and Walowski told Lav over a radio to start. Nova closed her eyes and focused, staying quiet for a few moments before she looked at Walowski with a knowing grin.

"I found him. East corner."

Walowski's eyes went wide as he wrote it down and I was so damn impressed. This base is huge and she actually found him. She really is a superhero.

"Okay next is vision. Alex hit the lights."

The hospital room became pitch black and I stayed in place to make sure I didn't run into anyone. My sight in the dark was better than the average person's but I didn't feel like running into anyone so I stayed put.

"Alright Nova. I'm all the way across the room. Can you see me?"

"Yes. Stop flipping me off."

We all laughed as the lights came on and we continued with the next test. All of Nova's senses had enhanced. She could smell everything in the base like the gun smoke at the shooting ranges and even the grass being mowed outside. I thought it was funny when I touched her and saw goosebumps rise all over her body. I bet sex is going to be great.

"So next we'll test strength. Are you ready?" Walowski asked as 550 pounds of weights were placed in front of her.

"I'm ready."

I felt little to no masculinity once Nova hit 750 pounds. At least it wasn't with ease. I could see her struggling a bit but she did it. Color me impressed.

"Jesus woman almost a thousand pounds okay. Well then. Our last test is speed. Let's move to the tracks now."

Nova topped out at ninety-three miles an hour. An impossible speed for a person. I know nothing about her is normal but she really is an anomaly. I know she can definitely beat Valkyrie now.

When I watched them fight I did see that Nova was way more skilled than Valkyrie was but the woman had a bite on Nova and that's what cost her the loss.

But my girl was going to dominate.

And I was totally ready for it.

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