Chapter 51: Nine Lives

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Nova gathered everyone together and I haven't seen her smiling so big in days. I guess she really did figure out how to beat Valkyrie. I told you her mind works in mysterious ways because I still haven't figured it out myself and I heard the same conversation she did.

"Okay so spill! The tension is killing me here!" Finch whined, all of us watching Nova intently as she paced back and forth.

"Valkyrie was bitten four times. That's why she beat me. It explains why she was stronger and faster than me. So in order to defeat her I have to get bitten again. Then I can call for a rematch and this time I'll win."

Everyone but Finch and I thought it was a solid plan. The others were excited but we were terrified. And rightfully so. The third bite almost killed her and now she wants a fourth? No. No way. Not happening. We'll figure something else out.

No way in hell am I letting my girlfriend risk her life to fight a battle that isn't even hers to fight. But how can I convince her? I can feel just how confident she is with her plan too. But she can't do it. I won't let her. I am not losing the love of my life.

"No way Nova. You almost died the last time you were bitten! Absolutely not!"

Her happiness immediately turned into aggression as she stared me down and handed me her journal, pointing to something she had written down.

You will lose a great battle to someone stronger than you. You will not be dying child. You will become very sick. A fire growing inside of you as bright as a burning Phoenix will give you the strength you need to win this battle. But then you will fight again. And you will be victorious.

I read it a few times hoping the words would change but they didn't. I can't lose Nova when we're this close to our future together. But these were words of a Shaman. A powerful one. These words were her destiny. And you can't change destiny.

"How would you even get bitten again? Zombies leave you alone." I asked her next.

I don't think this is a good idea at all. Nova's reaction to her last bite scared me. So trying to picture her surviving a fourth scares me even more. Chaska's grandmother said she survives but what if she doesn't? There has to be another way. I can't let her do it. Valkyrie said no other Decimator has survived four bites.

I'm not ready to lose her yet.

I never will be.

We have to figure out a different way to do this. Nova has risked her life enough as it is. I can't let her do this. I won't let her do this. We can't do it this way. We need to figure something else out. A near death experience can't be the only option.

"Isn't there another way we can do this? Where you don't have to attempt suicide to win? This doesn't feel right to me."

Nova frowned and shook her head at me. "It has to be this way. I can't fight destiny. Trust in the Fates that I'll be okay. Because I will be. I know it."

I sure fucking hope so. I hate that she's right. You can't change destiny. You can't fight it either. I guess we have to do it her way.

"Okay. We'll do it your way. But how will you get bitten again? Zombies don't bother with you. Any of us. So what's your plan?"

Nova paced back and forth, contemplating about what we were going to do. I could see her come up with a plan and I hoped it was a good one.

"I need blood from someone who hasn't been dosed with the cure. So we need to find a survivor and use their blood as bait. Which means another trip into the city."

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora