Chapter 27: One More Round

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Nova was gone when I woke up but I expected that. A note was resting on her pillow so I sat up with a yawn and opened it.

Good morning My Something. I'll be working with everyone in the gym for the day but tonight I'm making dinner for just the two of us. A chance to be in our bubble before we won't be able to for who knows how long. When you're ready come join us so we can get you warmed up and refresh your fighting capabilities. I'm nervous about tomorrow but I know that with you by my side I can do anything.

We're one step closer to our forever Finn. And I'm ready for it. Are you?

I love you.


I was getting ready to join them when I thought about something that I needed to do first. I can't take any chances of losing it or Nova finding it since I always keep it on me. It had to be kept safe. And there was only one person I trusted with it. I needed to find Tommy. Hopefully he's in his room.

I finished getting ready and went two doors down and knocked on his door. I felt relief when he answered and gestured for me to be quiet since Finch was sleeping. I waved for him to follow me back to my room so we could talk privately.

Once the door was shut I pulled the small box from my pocket and handed it to him. He opened it and his eyes went wide as he looked up at me and back at the ring.

"When do you plan on proposing?" He asked as he examined it more closely.

"After all of this shit blows over. I need you to keep it safe for me while I'm out there and you're the only person I trust with it. And I also want you to make sure I'm actually ready when the time comes. I've been wanting to for weeks now but it hasn't been the right moment. And with everything going on I know it won't be the right moment for a while but I just need you to keep it safe for me. And don't tell Finch. This stays between us okay?"

Tommy looked at the ring again and then put it into his pocket with a nod. "I won't say anything. And I'll keep it safe. She's going to love it. How did you find something like that? It matches her promise ring."

I smiled thinking about what Morgan had said when she gave it to me. When I got her permission to propose. I don't think I'll ever forget that moment. I can't wait for the day her family officially becomes mine. The day Nova becomes mine. I can't wait for that. I really can't.

"Her family has a tradition where the mother makes the engagement ring for their daughter. Her mom had it made back when she was with Grayson but couldn't give it to him. She said she didn't think they were right for each other and couldn't give him the ring. But she gave it to me and gave me permission to propose when I'm ready. I just hope Nova will be ready too."

Tommy opened his backpack and unzipped the secret compartment in the back, stashing the ring there. He put the backpack into his closet and covered it with a sweatshirt before turning back to me and smiling reassuringly.

"She'll say yes Finn. She'd be crazy to say no. Well crazier than she already is. But I'll make sure it's the right time. I'll make sure you're ready. You wanted to marry her the second you saw her. I'm already engaged so I don't know what you mean by be ready when you've been ready longer than I have. But I'll make sure it's at least at the right moment. And she'll say yes. I know she will. So don't worry about that."

I hoped he was right. It probably won't happen until after we get back to Australia. Maybe next year. My mom and Morgan want me to propose before then but I just don't see it happening. There's too much going on and I want it to be the right moment.

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