Chapter 9: Basic Suburban Life

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I dragged my heavy body to my bed and layed down beside Finn. I was exhausted and frustrated. Another night of nothing. Finn's mom could be anywhere at this point but I couldn't give up. I have to keep my promise.

I cuddled up to Finn and smiled when he pulled me closer in his sleep. I've been doing so much lately we've barely gotten any time together. I missed him. But I had to find his mom before we leave for California and time is running out. I had barely two weeks before we left. I was stressed out just thinking about it.

"I know you plan on leaving tonight but do you think you can stay with me the next day? I miss you. I've barely seen you this week. Give me a day. Just us. Please." Finn said as I moved closer to him.

I thought he was asleep but I guess not. I could feel just how sad he was and crumbled. I didn't even realize what I was doing. I was so focused on finding Finn's mom I was practically neglecting him in the process. I can give him a day. I missed him too.

"I'm sorry. Yes we can spend the day together. Anything specific you want to do?"

He shook his head and pulled me closer. "I'll think of something. Even if we just hang out here. I always want to be with you."

I smiled and kissed him before getting comfortable again. I could use a break. A day spent with Finn is always a good one.

"Okay. I'm yours."

I felt Finn relax and he oozed out happiness in our bond. I'm going to have to work out a way to spend more time with him. But I really did need to find his mom. I have to train my group but I'll spend less time making weapons and be with him. Anything to make him happy. He deserves it.

I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't for some reason. My body was tired but my mind was awake. Finn had fallen asleep again but still held me tight. I smiled up at him feeling like a giant pile of mush.

This man really did love me. I feel so lucky that I get to have something this good. He loves me just the way I am and that's crazy on its own. He doesn't see it but he doesn't know just how much he's done for me and continues to do for me. And that's why I'm trying to find his mom.

Not only did I make a promise to him, but when I saw my family for the first time in three years I could feel happiness for me but also sadness for him. His mom was the only family he had and he lost her. I have to find her for him. And that's why I won't give up until I do. I would do anything for him.

We're so much closer to having our forever and I feel like he won't feel complete until he has his mom back. I want her to be in our lives too. Be part of our family. If she's anything like Finn I know everyone will love her.

I want her to be there to watch her grandkids grow up. Family dinners and movie nights. Beach days. Hiking and camping trips. I want her to be there for everything. Especially when Finn and I get married. He doesn't bring up marriage often but he did say one time that he'd want his mom to be there to witness one of the happiest days in his life.

He wanted her to be there for everything.

I wanted her to be there for everything too.

For some reason my mind trailed off to our wedding. When Finn was dead I swore I'd marry him in at least two years if he survived because he really did want marriage but I wasn't that sure about it. Then I did officially agree to two. At least I think I did anyways.

But now...

I kind of do want to marry him.

After this craziness is over I could see myself doing it. I already know I'm going to be with him forever so why not get forever started? Why does waiting matter when I know we'll be together for the rest of our lives? We've been through so much but still remain strong and happy.

We've had some fights and bad days but at the end of them we're okay. We have our lives planned out, our dream home. I'm getting my shelter and he'll be an author. Four kids running around and lots of dogs. Our families living close together so we won't have to miss each other anymore. Living our lives free and happy and safe. That was all I wanted for us. And because of my blood and Walowski's genius brain we will have it.

I became more determined to complete my mission. If we can take back California we can finally be free. I can't fail. I know I win in the end and that was all the motivation I needed to make sure we succeeded. And once we did we could finally go home.

Maybe by that time I will want to marry Finn. I already drew up sketches for my dress and planned out where I wanted it and the color scheme. I planned out every little last detail until I thought it was perfect. And that Finn would like it too. What music will be playing. The alcohol and weed bar. What food will be served. What I want the cake to look like. The bouquets. Everything.

The more I thought about it the more excited I became.

I was going to be Mrs. Nova Blake.

Has a nice ring to it.

Finn and I were going to be husband and wife. I never thought I could be this happy about living the basic suburban life but I really was. Nothing about our relationship is basic but I never thought I could be this happy about settling down.

When Grayson and I talked about marriage and kids and a house with a white picket fence I hesitated. I didn't want to be tied down like that. I wanted my freedom.

But with Finn...I could do it. I really could.

I wouldn't mind staying home and taking care of our kids and being a good housewife if it meant I was with him. But with Finn I know he won't make me stay put. We'll still have adventures and stir up trouble and get wild. We'll still be living our lives the way we always do. And that's why I was okay with settling down.

I know that when we need a break and want some alone time we have plenty of family to help out with the kids so we can go be free and have fun and enjoy our time together. I know we'll be making plenty of memories with our kids too.

All four of them.

I never pictured having a family so big but Finn made me love the idea of it. It won't be easy but I won't be doing it alone. I have the best partner a girl could ever ask for. Finn and I can do anything together and that's why I know we'll succeed. I wanted our forever and we were going to have it.

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora