Chapter 6: Breakfast and a Show

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I woke up to Nova climbing into bed with me as the sun began to rise. She fell asleep almost immediately so I didn't move and disturb her. She needed it. She was gone all night and while I was worried I was also curious. Where did she go? What was she doing? And why is she so damn cute?

I pulled her onto my chest and held her tight, smiling when she adjusted and quietly snored. That means she's sleeping hard. But she needs it. She never sleeps. It's too early for breakfast so I may as well get some more sleep too.

I barely get to sleep with Nova so this was a nice change. I hope I get to wake up to her face later. Knowing her she'll probably be awake by then but I at least got to hold her for a while. And that was enough for me. I adjusted too and gently ran my fingers down her cheek, my finger tracing the scar that bothered her so much. I wish I could do something about that.

I started to close my eyes to try and fall asleep again but my mind was wide awake as I looked down at her. I know Nova has changed a lot since being with me but her insecurities can be so strong sometimes. I would never choose Livi over her. She may have some scars but she's still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

Her bright golden eyes that shine brighter than the sun. Her slightly round but slim face. Her soft and full lips. Her cute elf ears that stick out a little bit. Small but strong nose. And her body...damn. She may not have the biggest chest or the hourglass figure every woman craves but she does have a great ass and full thighs and that's my thing. And her legs are so long and toned too. All of her height is in her legs.

How can she be bothered by her appearance when she's the epitome of gorgeous? If anyone is with someone out of their league it's me. But I don't care. Just like she said once I deserve some good in my life too. And Nova...she's all of the good in my life. My true love. My soul mate. And I can't wait for our forever.

I finally started nodding off so I yawned and pulled Nova even closer, closing my eyes and released a deep breath. I hope she's here when I wake up. It'd be nice to see her first thing in the morning. A good way to start my day.

When I woke up again Nova was sitting up, smiling down at me as she ran her fingers through my hair. She leaned down to kiss me and then sat back up, gently brushing my cheek with the back of her hand.

"Good morning. I brought you breakfast. I have a lot of things to do today so hurry up and eat."

She set my tray of breakfast on my lap before standing up and got ready for the day. I started in on my French toast and watched as she kicked off her pajama pants and bent over to grab shorts from her suitcase.

Breakfast and a show.


By the time I had cleared my plate Nova was dressed and had brushed her hair and teeth, suited up with her weapons, had just finished putting on her boots, and I still had a boner. I'm about to undo everything she just did. I set my tray on the bedside table and walked up behind her as she got her backpack ready and scooped her up into my arms.

"Woah! What are you doing?" She laughed as I walked towards the bed and dropped her on it.

"I'm about to get you naked. Now shut up and kiss me."

Nova smiled and did kiss me, not even putting up a fight.

This day is starting off great.

"Any plans today?" I asked as Nova was writing more in her journal and nodded as she flipped to the next page.

"I'm working on training everyone today. Once I'm done with that Abbott told me about a weapon making area and I had a few ideas sketched out so I'm going to do that too. But that's it."

"Can I see the sketches?" I asked as I peeked over her journal and looked to see what she was doing. She pulled the journal to her chest and shoved me back, shaking her head.

"You can see when I'm done. Did you have any plans for today?"

I sat down beside her as she closed her journal and rested my head against hers.

"Aside from working on my book no. Can you roll me a joint? And eat lunch with me first before you start training our group?"

Nova nodded and kissed my cheek, putting her boots back on and suited up with her weapons that were all over the place from when I pretty much attacked her this morning. I have no regrets. She made us lunch and we sat and talked, joking around and teasing each other the whole time.

I kept stealing her fries as I finished mine even though she kept slapping my hand. I reached for another one but was out of ketchup when I went to dip it. Nova rolled her eyes and slid her plate towards me, turning it so the ketchup was facing me.

I seriously love this woman.

Once we were finished we did our dishes but I wasn't done getting attention. I need more.

"I'm coming with you until you go to make your secret weapons. I just want to be around you."

Nova rolled her eyes again and lead us to our section of the base and got everyone that was in their rooms. Ashton and Chaska followed us to the gym where both Lav and Alex were already working out. Nova used the intercom to call Kobi and Hana and called for Lav and Alex next. Lav got here first and immediately went to Nova, smiling at her and actually had the fucking audacity to stand close enough to get to where they were almost touching and started flirting with her. I think he wants to die today.

"Hey Beautiful. Here to have some fun? I'd like to get a little...handsy with you."

I was about to kill him. She's mine.

I was close to losing it when Nova grabbed his arm and twisted it back, kicking out his foot and made him slam into the ground. He tried to fight her but she was too strong. She pinned him down even further until he tapped out and begged for her to stop.

"Talk to me like that again and I will kill you." She snarled, standing up and coming back over to us.

That's my girl.

"Oh it's you. Hey." Alex said as she smiled at Chaska and stepped closer to him. Nova grinned when Chaska's face turned deep red and didn't say anything.

"God damn. You are too hot to be real. I could just feel you up. I mean eat you up. Actually how about both?" Alex stepped even closer and I did my best not to laugh when he started stuttering pretty hard. Nothing he was saying made any sense.

"You're cute. Innocent. I'm going to fix that. You're my training partner for today. Come with me." Alex took Chaska's hand and pulled him away to one of the rings. Chaska looked back at Nova who was dying of laughter when he mouthed "help". Not today bud.

"Okay great. It's time to train. Monday will be offense and Tuesday defense. Wednesday is hand-to-hand combat. Thursday will be close-range weapons. Friday long distance weapons. Saturday will be your choice and Sunday is your day off. Agreed?"

Everyone said yes so Nova started with Ashton. I knew she would. This is going to be great.

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ