Chapter 49: Property of FJB

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I woke up with a sore ass and a pounding headache but I also woke up in Finn's arms so I guess it's not that bad. I sat up and winced when my ass hurt even more. Damn. I'm gonna have to tell Finn to ease up on the spanking.

Booker and Lady were both curled up together by my bed, very content and snoring away. They're adorable. Finn was snoring away too. I'll let them sleep for a while longer. We had a long night last night.

I remember everything before two AM. I remember taking like six shots in a row and that's it. I blacked out after that. But apparently Finn and I had some fun because my ass is fucking sore.

I rubbed it again as I stood up and decided to get ready for the day. For the first day of my plan. Today was the day I figured out how to beat Valkyrie. So it's going to be a good one. I grabbed out a change of clothes and clean underwear and started to strip when I heard a low whistle behind me. I swear he knows when I'm getting naked. He always wakes up as I'm bending over with my ass out.

"Good morning. I like the view-what's on your ass?" He asked confusedly as I started to pull up my shorts.

"Probably your hand print. Maybe go a little easier on the spanking next time."

Finn got up and pushed my shorts back down, running his fingers around my ass cheek before erupting in laughter.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked as he continued to laugh the hardest I've seen him laugh in days.

I went to the bathroom and turned my back to the mirror to see what was so funny and my heart dropped when I did see it.

Oh. My. God.

This can't be real. This can't be happening. No fucking way is this happening.

I didn't know if I should be mad or upset or both. I can't believe this. I touched the sore skin but it was real. I wasn't imagining things. I had gotten a fifth tattoo except this one was on my fucking ass.

Property of FJB was tattooed along my right asscheek. At least the font was cool and it didn't look that bad I guess. But I'm still pissed about it. Especially since Finn won't stop laughing.

"If you don't stop laughing I will throw you out the window." I threatened, rolling my eyes when he covered his mouth but still continued to laugh.

"I'm sorry Killer I'm sorry I just...whew that's fucking gold. My name is on my favorite part of your body. Forever. That means when I bend you over the couch or the table or even a fucking chair I get to see that. This is great. So great. Can I take a picture-"

He shut up when my glare became fierce and looked away from me, biting his lips together to avoid laughing even more. I don't know how to feel in this situation. I really want to be mad but I also think it's kind of funny. Finn's name will forever be on the ass he's so obsessed with. I guess it's not that bad. Finch is gonna shit herself when I show her.

"If you'd like I'll get a matching one. On my ass too. You'll just have to hold my hand cause needles freak me the fuck out."

I know that. I won't make him do that. But I'll get payback in my own way. When the time is right it'll happen just like with my last prank.

"Can I at least have a picture for myself? I won't show anyone I promise."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking over to him and pulled down my shorts so he could take a picture.

"Perfect. My new background. Home page so no one sees it. Scouts honor."

I rolled my eyes again and continued to get Finn and I ready for today. I packed everything we would need into our backpacks and made sure to grab the arrow I needed from my backup quiver. I put it in with the rest of my regular arrows and set those by my backpack too.

"Will you make pancakes for breakfast? It's been like two months since I've had them and I'm dying."

I chuckled and nodded, double-checking my list but I know everything is ready. "Okay. I'll make pancakes. Get up and get ready. We'll come back for our things before we leave."

As I opened the door Booker perked up which made Lady perk up too.

"You guys wanna come?"

They both jumped up and followed me with big yawns as I headed for Chaska's door. I knocked quietly and Alex was the one who opened it, smiling and waving at me. Lady sat at her owners feet, hitting Alex's leg with her paw until she pet her head.

"I'm making breakfast. Meet me in the cafeteria when you're ready. And make sure you pack everything you need for the mission today. See you in a few!"

I woke up Tommy and Finch too knowing they'd definitely want pancakes as well. By the time I had finished making breakfast everyone was at a table waiting for me to serve them and got excited when they saw the plates stacked high with pancakes.

I sat down and winced when my ass stung but fought through the pain and stacked five on my plate to eat. Every time I would try to sit normally my ass hurt so I had to sit at an angle. I'm just hoping no one notices.

"Why are you sitting weird? Did you and Finn you butt stuff?" Finch asked with a grin, knowing I hate talking about bedroom activities. Especially with other people around.

"No. Shut up Finch. That's gross."

"Then why are you sitting funny?"

She's not going to let this go. So I'm going to teach her a lesson.

"Just remember. You asked."

I stood up and turned around, putting aside my normal prude-iness and pulled my shorts down far enough for her to see the newest addition to my tattoo family.

"What is that-Oh-Oh my god-Is that real?" She choked out between laughs. Everyone else started laughing too so I rolled my eyes and sat back down, trying to get the redness in my face to go down.

"That's beautiful. So beautiful. Finn's name is tattooed on your ass. Just beautiful."

I rolled my eyes yet again as everyone teased me but I let it go. They're family. I'll let it slide. Finn looked mighty proud of himself though. Well next time we're all partying he's going to get one too. I just have to figure out what I want it to be.

"So what's the plan for today? You guys hanging out here or what?" Tommy asked as we continued to talk and eat.

"Actually we have something to do today. But we should be back before it gets dark. Hopefully. So you'll be on babysitting duty again with Booker."

Booker perked his head up and looked at me when he heard his name before turning back to Lady Athena and curled up with her.

"You're probably going to be watching two dogs actually." I told her with a chuckle as I took a picture of the cute doggos.

"Fine by me. So what's your plan then? What are you doing exactly?" Finch asked as she helped me wash the dishes.

"Figure out a way to beat Valkyrie so I can fix the world and get my forever. So we can all have our forever."

Finch smiled and nodded, drying the next plate and put it back. "Okay. Good. I can't believe you have a tattoo on your ass. And Finn seems to be pretty happy about it. I know you're planning on getting him back. Know what you're doing yet?"

I shook my head because I didn't. I know I wanted to do something I just didn't know what yet.

"No. But I'll think of something. And when it happens you'll be the first to know. I have to go so watch out for the dogs and I'll see you when we get back. Love you Finchy." I told her as I hugged her and started to head for my room.

"Love you too No!"

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