Chapter 42: The Killer

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Saul recovered quickly and got back into the ring, coming to my side.

"What's your name Darlin?" He asked as he pulled me towards the center of the ring. Good question. What is my name? I couldn't think of anything but as I looked at Finn I thought of one. And I liked it too.

"The Killer. I'm The Killer." I told him as I winked at Finn. He showed me the tattoo on his wrist and blew me a kiss as I turned back to Saul.

"The winner of the first round is The Killer! A true killer! Are you ready for more?!"

Everyone screamed and while Saul was distracted I looked at my people again with a reassuring smile. Finn was still watching me closely and managed to give me a small smile in return.

You've got this he mouthed to me, pushing his love through our bond. I pushed it back and nodded once, turning back to Saul again.

"I guess it's time for round two! Up next fighting The Killer will be Titanium! A master of strength and axe-throwing! This will be a good one! Everyone place your bets!"

Titanium climbed into the ring and checked me out as the two Savages holding the board of weapons put it back into the ring. I kept in impassive look on my face and didn't even acknowledge him. He doesn't matter to me he'll be dead soon anyways.

"This time he gets to choose the weapon. So what's it gonna be?"

Titanium looked over the weapons and plucked an axe from the rack, tilting it back and forth as he examined it. It was on the bigger side and looked pretty deadly too. Chaska's grandmother said I survived but she didn't tell me if I made it out in one piece or not. I have to be careful. An axe can definitely do some damage.

"Don't worry about using the same axe. You're a small thing so choose whichever axe you want. I won't judge you." Saul teased as he gestured for me to choose.

I looked over all of them and decided to settle with the same axe just to prove a point. Don't demean me because I'm a woman. That just further motivates me into proving just how wrong you are.

"Don't strain yourself Killer-Just shut up and start the round. I'm ready to win."

Saul narrowed his eyes at me before grinning and turning back to the crowd.

"Alright everyone! Let's get round two started! Three-Two-One-Fight!"

Saul jumped out of the ring as Titanium came at me with the axe above his head and a warrior cry. He slammed it down towards me so I ducked and rolled to the right to avoid his attack. I jumped up and swung my own axe out, cutting deep into his left arm.

He screamed as I ripped my axe from his flesh and backed off to let him recover. When he finally did he turned to me with a murderous look on his face, lifting the axe with his right hand and pointed it at me.

"I am going to kill you."

I spun the axe in my hand and grinned, beckoning him to come forward.

"Bring it on bitch."

Titanium came for me again and swung the axe at me. I stepped back and used the handle of my axe to deflect his next hit but I didn't expect the handle to snap in two on impact. I tossed away the lower half and got a good grip on what was left of the axe and jumped away just as he swung for me again.

I know I'm not going to lose but I have half a weapon now. He technically has the upper-hand. So I guess it's time to end this before I do get too injured. I still have three more fights left anyways.

I let him come at me and got into position, ready to end this. As he lifted the axe into the air I ducked under his arms and turned the axe over in my hand, slamming the handle into his throat.

His trachea collapsed on impact and I grinned as he struggled to breathe but couldn't. Another slow and agonizing death. He dropped to the ground, holding his throat and made harsh wheezing noises as he attempted to breathe.

I milked it for a few more moments before lifting my axe and slammed it down, decapitating him in front of everyone. I felt even more victorious with their stunned silence. One more win for me.

Saul climbed into the ring and came over to me and I could see the surprise in his eyes. I love proving those wrong who underestimate me. And I also love winning. But you already knew that.

"And the winner of round two is The Killer! Are you ready for more?!" He called out as he lifted my hand into the air, spinning us around so everyone could see me.

I'm definitely ready for more. Two more fights until I challenge the leader. I can do this. And I will.

"One more round before you fight me Darlin. You think you can make it?" Saul asked, leaning closer to me and inhaling my scent in a really creepy way. Can't wait for this guy to be dead too.

"Guess you'll have to wait and see. I need a drink."

I went to my corner and Finn handed me my water bottle as I squatted down to their level, desperate to quench my thirst.

"Nova you're killing it! How many fights are left?" Alex asked as I chugged as much water down as I possibly could. It was hot today and this was a fucking work out but I was also filled with excitement and adrenaline. I was ready for my next fight.

"Two more. One more Savage and then Saul. Anything you guys wanna see?" I asked as I closed my water bottle and gave it back to Finn. I did lie just now but they can't know my plan. They will try to stop me and I can't have that.

"I want to see more hand-to-hand! Fuck these guys up without a weapon and show them who's really the boss!" Alex suggested with an evil smile. I like Alex. I hope her and Chaska work out. I want to keep her.

"You got it."

I went to stand but Finn grabbed my hand, pulling me back down to kiss me and put his forehead to mine.

"Stay safe but like Alex said show them who's boss. And when it comes to your fight with Saul...I won't let him kill you. If I think for a second you're going to lose I'm killing him and we'll have to make a run for it. Do you understand me?"

I nodded and kissed him one more time before standing, ready for the next round. "I got this. I love you."

"And I love you."

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