Chapter 32: Nova's Chill Pill

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Saul was leading us to where we would be staying. I wasn't sure of what to expect I mean none of us did. I just hope it's somewhere moderately safe. I know those are slim chances since we're practically surrounded by Savages but one could hope.

Nova's attentive eyes surveyed our surroundings and I could see different plans formulating in her head. Probably possible escape routes and our best vantage spots for fighting if we have to. And I hope we don't.

"So this neighborhood is pretty empty. Pick a house and it's yours. If you would like more company know where to find me." Saul said with a grin as he put his hand on Nova's shoulder.

She narrowed her eyes at it and then moved her glare up as she stepped back. "I'll be fine. Thanks."

Saul grinned deeper and then walked off, leaving us alone.

"He gives me the creeps." Alex said with a shudder as we followed Nova towards the first house.

We checked out the whole neighborhood but only two homes were occupied. You could tell Nova was uneasy being in a place so populated but she was hiding it well. And I only know this because I can feel it.

"I want something more solitary. Something easier to protect. I don't want any of these houses." Nova said with a sigh as she looked around.

"I mean we can keep going and see what we find?" I suggested when her unease grew stronger.

"No. It's fine. Let's just take the house at the end of the street."

The house she spoke of was the smallest on the block but big enough for us to be comfortable. Easier to defend too.

"Wait here. I'll check it out. And those are orders." Nova hissed as she went to the front door and kicked it in.

She came out five minutes later and waved us in, shutting and locking the door once all of us came through.

"This house has three bedrooms. So Alex and Chaska in one, Finn and I in one, and Hana in the other. Lav you can have the living room. I'm going on watch first. So everyone get as comfortable as you can. I'll start setting up our plan for day one and go over it with everyone in the morning. For now rest. We'll need it."

Everyone but me left. I wasn't tired at all and I didn't want Nova on watch alone. Not with how dangerous the territory is here.

"I'll be fine you need sleep-I won't be able to sleep without you anyways. Besides I'm your second-in-command I should be planning with you. Now what's first."

Nova wanted to argue but instead gave me a small yet grateful smile and pat the spot next to her on the porch swing. I sat down and she rested her head on my shoulder as she opened her journal and flipped to a new page.

"So first I want to walk the whole compound. I want to find every exit and entrance, where the leader is staying, and I want to find the entrances to the underground tunnels. I have a feeling we're going to be stuck in the compound the whole time so we also have to find provisions and self-care items like clothes and hygiene products.

"I also just want to see how things work around here. Maybe even try to find a way to draw the leader out instead of waiting for him to come to us. But the most important thing is just learning where everything is. I also want to see how lax it is to enter and exit here so we can try to go back to the base and stay there instead. But we may be stuck here so we have to plan for that too."

She was right. I don't think we're going to be able to leave here every night like we were hoping. I wasn't sure what to do about food or any of that. We might be able to go into the city to get what we need but I don't think they'll let us go far. Not without Nova anyways. She was like a prized gem here. They were desperate for more Resistants. All because they wanted to play that sick game. The game I hope we can evade.

"If we're stuck here for Carnage...What are you going to do? What are we going to do? It's usually a fight to the death Killer. This is a big deal. What's your plan?"

Nova gave me a small smile as she leaned her head against arm and sighed. "We both know I survive and win. If I have to fight I will. Trust in the Fates that I'll be okay. I'll win Carnage I know it. So have some faith."

I guess I have no choice other than to have faith and trust the Fates. I just pray they don't disappoint. I don't want Nova fighting in a stupid game. We have to get this done before Carnage. She has enough scars she doesn't need anymore. Especially not at the expense of our safety. I feel guilty enough as it is. I don't want to feel way worse than I already do.

"I'll be okay Finn. Try not to worry too much. We'll make it out of here alive. All of us. We always do. What's a few more scars to add to my collection? If it meant we'd get our forever I'd take a thousand more. But it won't come to that. I know it won't. So chill. You're supposed to be the calm one remember?"

She was right. I'm supposed to be the calm and composed one. I have to be Nova's chill pill. I took a deep breath and held her closer. She slid her arms around my waist and held me back as I kissed the top of her head. We would be okay. She's right we're one step closer to forever. The Fates wouldn't take her away from me. Or me from her. We will be fine. If anyone could do this it would be her.

"That's much better. I prefer you feeling determination and confidence. It gives me some strength every time I feel it. And I could use it."

I pushed calming waves into her and relished in them myself. She was so warm and I was so content I found myself becoming tired. I didn't want to leave her alone on watch but I did want to sleep.

"Sleep Finn. I'll wake you up if something happens."

You know what? I think I will. As long as she's by my side I could definitely sleep. I stretched out across the swing with my head in her lap and adjusted until I was comfortable. Nova hummed Alive and played with my hair as I closed my eyes and yawned.

Yeah. I could sleep.

"I love you Finn."

I smiled and curled into her more, just happy to be with her. I'm always happy when I'm with her.

"I love you Nova."

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