Chapter 25: Nice Way of Waking Me Up

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I woke up to soft kisses along the side of my face and felt adoration and love through our bond. This was a nice way of waking me up. I pushed the feelings back and felt him smile against my cheek as I opened my eyes.

"Good evening the love of my life. It's time for us to go meet with Devon and work on our plan of attack. So get up and get moving. I'm also hungry and didn't want to eat without you. So let's go cause I'm starving."

I grabbed my journal and a pen before Finn and I headed for Devon's office. I didn't see the need for all of us to be there so just the two of us went. Booker too. So that makes it three of us.

When we made it to his office I knocked on the door and he waved for us to come in. Finn sat in the right chair as I took the left and it wasn't even planned it just happened naturally. It really must be our thing.

"I'm glad you're here. We can talk about what you'll be doing. Where would you like for me to start?"

I opened my journal and went to my list to go over with him. "How many Savages are in the compound?"

"About a thousand. Maybe less maybe more. They're always coming and going. Or dying in a fight. There's a good amount of them residing there but the compound is pretty big and spacious so you won't be cramped. Next question?"

Damn. So many of them. How can I keep my people safe against that many Savages? This is going to be harder than I thought.

"What do I need to get from the leader so I can be done with this?"

"Any information you can. If you can figure out a way to infiltrate his den and get information on him we can take him down more easily. We just don't know who he is or what he's capable of. All we know is he's a Resistant. A strong one."

Good to know. That'll be a fun fight and I'm ready for it.

"How do we get in without attracting too much attention?"

"They're always looking for new Resistants to join them. The leader likes to test them in fighting against his main men. It's a game to him. And no one has won up against Saul-his main Resistant or also called Decimator-and right-hand-man. If you can get what we need before your week is up you won't have to partake in Carnage. But if by chance you have to...I hope you succeed.

"We just need to figure out the leader's weaknesses so we can take him down and restore order here. If we take down the big guy it'll be that much easier to take out the rest. No one knows where the other compounds for the Savages are at. But the leader has a map marking all of them down. If we can get ahold of that we can take all of them down. The only problem with that is that the big guy never shows his face and he's guarded by a dozen men at all times.

"No one goes in or out of the leader's quarters except for his main group. They're the only people that have seen him. Since no one has won Carnage he hasn't had to show his face to anyone. I'm hoping you can get a good look at him yourself but if you can't at least get the locations of the other compounds. That would be a big help.

"Back to your question they constantly scour the city for more Decimators. So what you'll need to do is go to the city close to their compound and look for a group of them wandering around. You can either attack and be brought in as an enemy or ask if they have a safe place for you to stay and pray they take the bait. Once they see your eyes they won't tell you no. It's the safest way of getting into the compound without attracting too much attention as well. Next?"

"Do you have a map of the city? And we'll need a car too. A fast one."

He opened a drawer and pulled out a map and passed it over to me before flipping through some keys to hand me one of those as well.

This is almost too easy.

"Anymore questions?"

"If I end up having to partake in Carnage what exactly happens? You said a big fight just like the notes I checked out before. What will I have to do?"

"Carnage is usually a fight to the death. Only the strongest Resistants survive. No weapons are allowed but Savages are shady so I'd keep a knife on you just in case. But you'll fight all five of his men and either lose or win. Carnage is horrifying. Nobody has won like I said before. Every new Resistant that partakes in the game dies. But hopefully you'll be out of there before you have to do it. Anymore questions?"

"Can I borrow anything you have information wise? I'll return it but I'd like to read everything you have on this so I can formulate a better plan and be more prepared."

He pulled out a file from his drawer and passed it over to me. I did a quick skim and there was a lot more information in here than I'd anticipated. I have a lot of reading to do.

"If that's all you may go and rest more. The day after tomorrow will be intense but I have faith in you that you will succeed. Just keep your head down and try to blend in. So go rest. You'll need it."

He was right about that. I made dinner as I read over everything in the file, trying to memorize what information I could. I managed to go through everything by 2:00AM and had written down what I believed was important in my journal.

I shut off the light and sighed as I laid down and rested my head on Finn's chest. He put his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, rubbing my back and pushed calming waves into me. I relished in them. I needed to calm down.

"It's okay Killer. We'll be just fine. The Fates will be on our side. I know it."

I hope he's right. This was going to be intense. But it needed to be done. I want my forever and I'm going to make sure I get it.

"There's that confidence I was looking for. Now kiss me and go to sleep. We have to be up early to train and work on our plans. Everything will be fine."

I sure hope so.

I kissed him and then resumed my previous position, drinking in Finn's calmness and felt my tense body relax. He was right. The Fates will be on our side. We were going to win this war. I would make sure of it.

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now