Chapter 20: You. Dumbass.

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I pushed back leaving to California for two more days so Finn could have some time with his mom before we sent her back to Australia. We were having a hard time deciding where she would go. I wanted her to go to my aunt's and meet everyone including her grandchildren but Finn said the choice would be up to Violet so I let it go.

Finn invited me to their movie night but I didn't want to intrude. I wanted him to have time with her before we left to make up for how much he's lost these past few years. And it was a good distraction too because I needed to have a talk with Finch without him being there.

I booted Tommy from their room and locked the door so we wouldn't be bothered. Finch has always been my conscience with any crazy decisions I want to make.

And this one might be the craziest one yet.

"What's going on?" She asked as I sat down beside her on the bed.

"I want to talk to you about something. And I need you to be my voice of reason."

Finch nodded so I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what I was about to say.

"I want to marry Finn."

"Yeah. You agreed to do it in two years right?"

"No Finch. Like I want to marry him now. Like as soon as we get back to Australia after this now."

Finch's eyes went wide and she didn't say anything, the shocked look never leaving her face. " really really? What changed your mind? You've always been weird about marriage so what changed?"

"I'm not sure. I just...I want to. I'm already going to be with him forever so I want to get forever started. And I want to start by getting married. Do you think I should wait or...?"

Finch watched me carefully for a few moments and it was starting to bother me.

Maybe it was a bad idea...

"What color will your dress be?"


"Where do you want it to happen?"

"Meadow by the beach."


"Our mixtapes."


"I was thinking taco bar."

"Maid of honor?"

"You. Dumbass."

"Last question-who's walking you down the aisle?"

Now that I didn't have an answer for because I still didn't know. "I don't know."

Finch went into thinking mode and then smiled big as she shook me, squealing so loud my ears started to ring. I may have made a mistake. "You want to do it! You actually want to do it! Can we have a double wedding please?! It would be so much fun! We could both marry the guy's of our dreams together like I've talked about since we were kids! Come on Nova pleeeeaasseee!"

Yeah. I made a mistake. I should've kept my mouth shut.

"I don't know Finch it sounds kinda lame-Nova! It won't be! Not if you're planning it! Come on do it! For me! Please please please please please!!!"

Finch begged for another good two minutes before I relented and released a heavy sigh. I can never tell her no. It's a serious problem.

"Fine. I'll have to change some things around but okay Finchy. We'll do a double wedding. I'll have to start sketches for your dress too but fine. So you really think I should do it? You don't think it's too soon?"

"Nova. Seriously. What you guys have...that's some fairytale shit right there. He's the only guy I could ever see you being with forever. I think it'll be the perfect timing. Something good to help ease the bad we're about to go through. What are you going to tell Finn?"

Another question I didn't have the answer to. And another reason why I'm here. I don't know what to say to him. This is all new to me. I didn't want to tell him I want to marry him and practically propose myself. I wanted him to do it because I know that's his thing and he'd want to do it himself. But how do I tell him I'm ready for marriage without actually telling him?

"I'm not sure Finch. He's cheesy so I know he'll want to propose at the right moment but I'm not sure how I can tell him I'm ready without ruining the surprise of him doing it. I want him to make the move but I don't know how to tell him I'm ready. What if he's not ready?"

Finch laughed and I felt embarrassed as she continued to laugh through my discomfort. Remind me to never talk about my feelings again.

"Finn wanted to marry you the second he saw you. He's been waiting for you to be ready not himself. I bet he already has a ring too. So be discreet about it. Talk about getting married and make plans with him. The more you talk about it the more he'll be wanting to ask you since I know you never talk about it anyways. But if you bring it up in a strategic manner and make him think you want it it'll happen. He's not like most guys. Finn is smart. If he thinks you want it and you're ready for it he'll make a move. He's just waiting on you."

Finch was completely right. Connotation goes right over the heads of most men but Finn picked up on that shit effortlessly. I could tell him what I want without saying it and he'll know what I want.

So Finch is right. If I start talking about it with him maybe it'll move the process along and he'll know he can propose and that I'm ready. I never talk about marriage and I don't mean to but I never thought I would ever get married honestly.

But Finn...I could marry him.

It's a big step but it's one I want to take with him so Finch is right. I'll make it less of a taboo topic between Finn and I and hint around that I want it without actually telling him I do. It was a perfect plan. Now I just had to execute it properly.

"So since it's a double wedding do I get to know what we're doing? And what about my dress? And my favorite color is light purple now just in case you forgot but I want to know everything-Nope. I'm handling it. It's going to be a surprise for everyone but me. And obviously I'll be making your dress. But no Finchy. I'll be doing everything for it. All you need to do is write your vows. I'm going to go work on that now. And don't tell Tommy shit. This stays between us."

Finch nodded and squealed again, tackling me in a hug and continued to make that high-pitched noise until my ears were ringing again. The things I do for this bitch.

"I can't wait Nova! Okay go! Go! Plan the most epic double-wedding in the history of time!"

I rolled my eyes but did share some of her excitement. I was going to be Mrs. Nova Blake. And I'm actually really happy about that. I'm going to marry the man of my dreams.

Now how can I make it happen...

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ