Chatpter 23: Bend You Over the Couch Hot

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Two planes were leaving today. Finn's mom was being flown to the military base by my family where she would get a ride to their house and stay there until we went back to Australia ourselves and we were flying to California to begin our mission to get the world in order.

I was rushing around checking off my lists making sure everything was ready to go but was stopped by Violet who asked to speak with me for a moment. I tried not to feel nervous but I did want to make a good impression on her.

She means so much to Finn the last thing I want to do is have her hate me. I had to tread carefully here. If I fuck things up with Violet I can see a rift forming between Finn and I and I definitely don't want that.

"Relax Nova. I can see how tense you are. You're not in trouble." She teased as we walked away from everyone.

I did relax just a bit but not by much. That's normal for me anyways. I don't think I've ever fully relaxed my entire life.

"I want to talk to you about Finn. About what you're going to do. And what I need from you."

And my anxiety has peaked again.

"Okay...What's going on?"

Violet turned around to make sure we weren't followed by my very curious boyfriend who was watching us intently and trying to read our lips. I guess it's a good thing he sucks at it.

I shut off the bond on my side and felt his curiousness grow. I wasn't sure what she was going to say and she wants it to be between us so Finn can't know or feel anything.

"My son loves you and trusts you with his life without hesitation. Without fear. And I know you do love him so you will do what you can to protect him while you're doing what you have to do no matter what. From what he's told me you've always put his life before yours and made his safety your top priority. It honestly makes me feel slightly okay with what you're going to do knowing you'll be looking out for him.

"But I want you to look out for yourself too. Don't make my son a widower before he's said his vows. I want both of your lives to be your top priority. I want to watch my son get married and have the big family he's always dreamed of having. I want to watch him grow and change and be happy in life until I'm no longer here. And you are his main source of happiness.

"So please Nova I'm begging you-don't only worry about him but worry about you too. I want you both to come home and have a good life together. And I know you will when you both survive. So you do what you can to come home okay? Both of you."

She pulled me in for a hug and it took me a couple of seconds but I did hug her back. I really like Violet. Now I see why Finn loves her so much. He got so many good traits from her it's not hard to love him. And the fact that she does like me made me feel so much better. I'm excited for her to meet my family. They're going to love her. She'll fit right in.

"I like you a lot Nova. I see why my son loves you as much as he does. I'm excited for my family to grow. It's been just Finn and I for a long time. I was a foster kid that never got adopted and booted out once I turned eighteen. His grandparents from his dad's side died when he was younger and they were the only family we had left.

"He told me you have a big family that's just as amazing as you are and I'd be happy there. It makes me even more excited because that means I get to meet my two grandchildren too. I'll have a family again. I miss being around people. You think they'll like me? I'm a little nervous since I haven't met them yet. I hope I'm not intruding."

Violet looked a bit crestfallen but I wanted her to smile. She's always smiling. Another trait of Finn that I see in her. Always happy and funny and outgoing. Just good. So good. Inside and out. I know my family is going to love her. Finn and Violet could be twins. Everyone in my family loves him so I know they'll like her too. My family has gotten bigger once again. And I don't mind one bit.

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