Chapter 28: We Can Do This

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Yesterday went by too fast with training but I knew my people were ready for the task. I was the first one awake as usual and I became pretty anxious as I thought about what we had to do today. Today was the day we infiltrated the compound and started on our mission. I didn't know what to expect and it terrified me that Finn's life would be on the line. Chaska's too.

I can't protect them up against that many Savages and that thought freaks me the fuck out. I can't lose Finn. Not when we're so close to being free. I won't make it without him. I can't handle that loss. He's the air in my lungs, the beat in my heart, and the fire in my soul. He's everything to me. I don't want to live without him and I hope I don't have to.

I turned onto my side and looked up at him as he slept, focusing on him to calm myself down. His steady breathing and the heart that beats with mine. The love of my life.

The longer I stared the calmer I felt. He really does soothe my anxiety without even trying. Just being with me and loving me let's me know I'll be okay. That we'll be okay. Finn and I kick ass together. We're going to win-I'll make sure of it. I'm not going down without a fight. And no one will take him away from me.

At least not without a bullet in their brain first.

"You're all over the place again. Speak now or forever hold your peace." Finn said in a sleepy voice as he cracked his eyes open to look at me. Instead of being grumpy about me waking him up he smiled and kissed me before yawning big into his hand and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm nervous. There's a lot of Savages in that compound and I can't protect everyone against that many of them. I'm mostly concerned about you though. We're so close to having our forever and I can't...I won't survive without you. I don't know how to keep you safe and do what I need to do at the same time. I'm afraid you'll get hurt or I won't be able to save you or I'll lose you and that thought alone terrifies me. I can't lose you Finn."

He held me even tighter and rubbed my back, pushing soothing waves into me. "And you won't. If anyone can do this it's you. I know I'll be fine because I have you by my side. So don't worry about me. I'll be okay as long as you are. Think positively. We have a week to get the information needed. That's plenty of time."

I hope so. I'm not afraid of Carnage at all. And as long as Finn has his contacts in he'll be safe. All of them will be. Finn is right I need to be positive. We can do this.

"Do we have time to squeeze in a round though? You're still naked and now I'm turned on."

Yeah. I think we can.

Booker knew we were leaving and stared me down hard as I got a separate bag together for his things since I'm leaving him with Finch again. And he wasn't happy about it. I thought about our mission as we got ready too. We both hooked our bats to our belts and got our backpacks ready next.

When we were done I double-checked everything but I think we're good to go. I have my guns and my knife in my boot along with my extra clips. I had my bat, my journal with my plans, the maps, and plenty of water.

I even threw my whip in my backpack to play with later if we have time. I wonder what it can do to a Zombie. Or an actual person. I can't wait to test it out. Finn had his gun/flamethrower and I could feel his excitement at the thought of trying it out too. Depending on what the city is like I'm sure he'll get the chance to use it.

"Okay. We're ready to go." I looked up at Finn as I took a deep breath and tried to calm down but my anxiety was spiking. I still didn't even have a plan for getting in. I just hope we can.

"We got this Killer. Now show some confidence. And kiss me."

I smiled slightly and did as he said, pulling away to sigh and nod my head. I forced my confidence and determination to come forward and felt a fire flow through my veins when both emotions hit me. It helped that Finn was pushing them on me too.

"That's more like it. Now let's go."

I brought Booker to Finch's door and was about to knock when he hit me with his paw. I looked down and he gestured for me to go down to him.

"What's up Buddy?"

He put his head to my forehead and gave me a couple licks, rubbing his cheek against mine and sighed as he pulled away.

"I'll be okay Booker. You be good for auntie Finch okay?" I said as I got up and knocked on her door.

Booker leaned into me and sighed again, hitting my foot with his paw. I scratched between his ears, smiling to myself as Finch opened the door to let us in. I gave her Booker's bag and was about to leave when she tackled me in a hug and held me tight.

"Be safe okay? I love you so so much."

I smiled and hugged her back, feeling even better now.

"I will be. And I love you too. See you later tonight okay?"

I could see tears brim in her eyes as she closed the door and lost some of my happiness. But Finch doesn't need to worry. I'll be okay. Chaska's grandmother said so. It's everyone else I have to worry about.

I got Chaska and Hana, double-checking to make sure they had everything too. Including their contacts in. Which they did. The brown muted the bright gold perfectly like I hoped it would. They would be safe from Carnage.

But me?

Well I guess we'll have to wait and see.

We went to get Alex next and I checked her things too but she was good. She had a lot of weapons on herself actually. Twin blades, a machine gun with four extra clips, throwing knives tucked into her boots, regular knives, and a katana hooked to her belt. She was definitely ready to whoop some ass. She took Chaska's hand as we started walking towards the garage to prepare to leave.

I didn't feel like walking across the base to deal with Lav and I really didn't want to deal with him this early in the morning so if he forgets something it's on him. He can meet us at the jeep.

Lav was already waiting by the jeep for us and winked at me when we got closer. All I could do was roll my eyes. He really was Ashton 2.0-the more annoying version. And I didn't think anyone could annoy me more than Ashton does.

I could feel some anger and jealousy in Finn so I took his hand in mine, threading our fingers together and smiled up at him. He looked down at me with a stone cold expression on his face until he saw my smile. He relaxed and smiled back, kissing my cheek as we made it to our vehicle.

I had everyone gather around me so I could talk about the plan one last time.

Because once we get into the city...that's when it all begins.

"Our plan of infiltration is still a little rocky. We can either go in as friends or foes. With Savages running amok I don't think it matters which one we go with but if we can get in as friendlies that might be better. When we do get in I want to keep a low-profile. Today is just learning where everything is at the compound and seeing what we will be dealing with the week we're stuck there.

"I want to find every entrance and exit, I want to find the main leader's living quarters and get a feel for how I will be infiltrating there too, and I want to see how things go around there. I don't know if we'll be staying there over night or not and if we end up doing so we'll work our rotations for who's on watch. Again I don't know what we're walking into but I'm going to do my best to keep you all safe. Are you ready?"

Everyone nodded so I unlocked the jeep and let everyone climb in. I hugged Finn really tight and kissed him as deeply as I could with an audience.

"Come on. We'll be okay. We need to go."

He's right. We do. We can do this. One step closer to forever.

I got in the drivers seat as Finn took passenger and put his hand on my thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

We can do this.

I just have to keep telling myself that.

"Alright. Let's go."

The Cleansing: Part Two (Book Two of The Golden Eyes Trilogy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu