Chapter 4: Stop Talking

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"Well she's a weird one. Scary looking too. Who put her through the wood-chipper?" Livi commented as we watched Nova leave.

Finch gasped and raised a hand but Tommy pulled her back and shook his head. I honestly didn't even know what to say to that. Livi still hasn't changed a bit. Still the mean and vain girl she's always been.

I went to go after Nova when Livi grabbed my arm and stopped me. I didn't want her touching me. She's lucky Tommy was here to stop Finch or I would've let her beat Livi's ass and enjoyed every second of it. How dare she insult Nova like that. I think she's fine just the way she is.

"Why don't we go to the cafeteria and catch up? Just us two? Like old times." Livi suggested, pulling me even closer to her.



I didn't even realize it but Livi was flirting with me right in front of Nova and she picked up on it before I did. I was used to that behavior from Livi after three years of being with her and it didn't even register in my mind how it could've looked to Nova. Like I didn't mind even though I'm with her. I fucked up. And now I have to make it right.

"I have to go-Don't go. Stay with me. Let's talk. It's been so long. It's not like she's your girlfriend, is she?"

I pulled her hand from my arm and stepped back, shaking my head and glared when she grabbed me again. I'm about ready to tell Tommy to let Finch go.

"Actually she is."

Livi looked surprised and then got closer to me again. I know Finch and Tommy are watching and I could use their help but apparently they just want to watch me to suffer.

"I don't care. We can make it work. We both know I'm better than her. I still love you and I always have. We can make it work. Just forget about her. You're out of her league anyways."

Finch grew angry and stepped towards Livi again but Tommy stopped her knowing she was going in for the kill this time. He was letting me handle this myself. I did and didn't appreciate that.

"Not a chance. She's the love of my life. Now I'm going to go find her and reassure her that you're nothing to me. After feeling what true love really is like I know I never loved you. It never felt as good with you as it does when I'm with her."

Livi gasped and stepped back, her eyebrows coming together as she frowned and shook her head with tears welling up in her eyes. But I'm not buying it. Livi is a manipulator and I'm not falling for it anymore.

"You did love me! You always will! Don't say that!"

Maybe Nova is rubbing off on me because I feel nothing for the girl standing before me. And I don't feel bad about what I just said either.

"If I loved you I wouldn't have let you go or been able to move on. I found real love. And it's a good love. I'm not giving it up for anything. Even you. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go reassure my future wife that I will be hers until the day I die. Have a good night Livi."

I felt her staring at me as the three of us left the hospital wing and went towards our rooms. Finch was staring at me hardcore and it was starting to make me nervous.

I guess being with Nova really gave me PTSD.

Ha. I could call it Post-Traumatic Staring Disorder.

Why am I this way?

"You weren't just saying that because we were there right?" Finch asked as we turned the corner.

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