Strength: Equilibrium

Start from the beginning

"Wait... is that why your soothing effect is gone?" Yunlan asks, feeling guilty for shouting at someone who tried to help him.

"Not really. I did use up quite a bit, but not all. But you don't need it anymore, do you?" Wang answers confidently, almost like challenging statement that Yunlan laugh at her.

"*chuckling* You are something else, Wang Zheng! I know why Sang is crazy for you." Zhao Yunlan breathes out, finally feeling at peace and confident with himself.

"Arrgggg! Why is it every time something happens, it always Xiao Wei who gets to suffer......" Yunlan shouts into silence while looking up at dark sky. Oh, they are about to get a storm in Haixing soon from the look of it.

"That's not true, master Yunlan. There is no 'you' or 'him'. It's always 'us'. It always had been, and always will be." Wang replies, looking into far horizon.

"Seriously, what does your symbol state? You are wiser than Lin Jing?!"

*Archoo!* "Who is bad mouthing about me??" Lin Jing asks and goes back to another creation.

"Please don't say that. We guardians are marked with the symbol for a reason. Lin Jing might not look like it, but he will surprise everyone with his wisdom.... My symbol is 'strength'. I can boost other's energies or stabilize unstable energies like I just did with you." Wang Zheng explains but didn't forget to chide him for what he said about Lin Jing.

"Wow... now I know why you get along with my Xiao Wei. Did he learn from you, or did you learn from him?" Yunlan asks, mostly teasing Wang.

"Master Yunlan, go stay with master Wei. He needs you more than anything. I need to go find Lin Jing. Maybe he can invent something to boost my energy so I can help master Wei." Wang replies while wiping off dust from her white dress.

"Alright! Oh, and thank you for your help and sorry for shouting at you." Yunlan apologies while standing up.

"No problem, Master Yunlan." Wang said with sweet smile.

"One more thing, please stop calling us masters. We are not and like Wei said, we need friends, not servants." With that being said, Yunlan leaves Wang and returns to Shen Wei side who is sleeping.


Yunlan's Bedchamber

"Master Wei.... I'm right here... Please get hold of yourself." Little devil begs, feeling lost and hopeless.

His master is growing weak and seeking his audience but what can he do? He has been with them the entire time but for some reason nobody can see or feel his presence.

"What is happening? Why can nobody feel or see me?" Little Devil asks worriedly.

"Little Devil... devil...." Shen Wei mumbles in his sleep making Little Devil cry out of hopelessness.

"Master Wei... I'm here... please open your eyes..." Little devil pleads but Shen Wei can't answer him at all.

Just when little devil is about to use up all his little remaining energies, Yunlan comes.

"Master Yunlan!" Still Yunlan didn't response to him.

"Xiao Wei... please hang on a little more. I'm sure little devil will not be happy seeing you like this." Zhao Yunlan soothes Shen Wei.

"Little devil... where have you gone to? We are all worried." Yunlan said into the air, not realizing that little devil is with them all along.

"I'm here.... I have been here...." Little devil mumbles, what is the point of responding when others can't hear you?

That's when little devil notices that his form is fading away gradually while sucking his energies as well.

"Don't tell me... that breaking the spell backslash our energies?!"

Just before the little devil could panic with realization, little angel flew into room shouting happily. Finally, the little angel is smiling again.

"Master Yunlan! I found out what is happening to them!" Startling Yunlan out of his own thoughts.

"Damn angel! Why are you shouting?!" Yunlan shouts but the little angel just ignores him.

"It's because of the spell! Remember, how tired you felt after I broke the spell?" Little Angel asks and Yunlan nods, not understanding where little angel is going.

"Same thing happening to them!" Angel screaks making Yunlan still look at little angel questionably.

"In case you have forgotten, I never pass out nor was I this weak for this long." Yunlan points out patiently.

"That's because we are heavenly beings, but they are from hell, so the backslash is greater for them than us!"

"Wait, why are you suddenly saying that now, weren't you going crazy searching for little devil before?" Yunlan retorts.

"Oh that...hehehe.. I wasn't fully healed before so I couldn't feel my big beauty's fading presence... so I kind of went... " Little angel starts and really didn't have to finish it for Yunlan to fill in the rest.

"You troublemaker! I was worried about you for no reason!" Yunlan sighs heavily while rubbing his face.

"So, little devil is with us?" Yunlan finally asks after calming down.

"Yeah, I can feel it but it's fading away slowly..." Little angel answers while looking at one particular empty spot near sleeping Shen Wei.

So, little devil is with you the entire time but because you became weak, you couldn't feel his presence? Yunlan thinks sadly while looking at mumbling Shen Wei.

"So, what now? We just wait for them to get better?" Yunlan once again breaks the silence.

"I wish I could say otherwise, but yes, all we can do is wait. But I'm worried that my big beauty's energy is getting dimmer and dimmer..." Little angel sadly answers.

"Hey... troublemaker, he is not leaving you or anyone. How about we go bug Lin Jing to create something that will boost Wang's energy so she can help them?" Yunlan softly coaxes while patting little upset angel.

"How would that help them?" Little Angel confusingly asks Yunlan who shrugs before saying.

"She believes she can. Why don't we give her benefit of doubt?"


A/N: Yayyy~~~ I'm glad to be able to update another chapter on time~~~~!!! Please enjoy~~

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