Halloween Night

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I don't celebrate Halloween I only did once but then I never did it again because it was "against my religion" I think my parents were just lazy. They're letting my little siblings go and by candy *sobs in room* I'm too old now anyways! Enjoy this :)

Most of you are probably too old to go out at Trick or Treat but you shouldn't anyways because wow COVID. If you are please stay safe!!! Love you all!💕

Short and Sweet.

Rest In Peace Lily and James Potter 🥺💕🕊


He stood at their graves with flowers in his hands wondering how everything came to be.

Why exactly did it have to be him?

Why exactly did it have to happen when it was his generation?

What would have happened if it wasn't him?

Would he had died as a warrior in the war? Would his parents still be alive?

So many painful years wondering what if's instead of facing reality. So many nights crying himself to sleep because the little boy didn't have dinner, or because he didn't get one single present when his cousin got 37. So many thoughts of how it would have been if nothing had happened that night. This might. 31 years ago.

With a cool breeze that passed by Harry James Potter-Malfoy was taken out of his deep thinking. He lived in a Muggle Area now with only a few wizards here and there. He heard a few giggled coming from the outer gate of the cemetery and thought it'd be best to go home now.

Harry went through the door with a large sigh as warmth engulfed him.

Draco came in the living room with a small boy in a pumpkin costume. Draco gave him a concerned look but Harry shook his head with a light smile.

"Granger is almost here then we have the tonight and tomorrow to ourselves because James is having a sleepover with his cousins."

"And Scorp?"

"He's with grandma since he's too little to eat candy anyway"


The Grangers popped up out of nowhere and greeted them with a few kisses on the cheek and hugs.

"They're out celebrating Halloween now..." Draco mumbled as he tidied up the living room. Harry nodded and grabbed a blanket from the closet and wrapped it around himself.

"Do you want cookies?" Draco asked, Harry shook his and plopped on the couch.

"Do you want to cuddle?"

Harry nodded and smiled when Draco made him the little spoon. Draco kissed his neck in a caring matter and wrapped his arms around him.

"I love you" Harry mumbled

"I love you too, Potter"

"Please don't ever leave me"

"I won't, you know that."

"Sirius said that...and so did Lupin" Harry mumbled with a frown.

"Well...I can promise you that I don't ever want to leave you. Is that enough for you?"

"More then enough" Harry smiled and cuddled up into the blondes chest.

The door bell rang and Draco smiled, "I'll be right back"

From the couch Harry could hear the kids giggling and he could hear them scream, "Trick of Treat!" they're small feet padded as they ran away to get more candy.

"Why do Muggles have this holiday?"

"To get candy. It helps dentists out" Harry stated

Draco gasped, "Is that true? Merlin, Muggles think things throughly—"

"Draco, I was joking"

"Oh" Draco blushed, "Figures, Muggles are stupid now that I think about it."

Harry rolled his eyes and made silly hand movements to motion Draco over.

Drago laughed  and came to engulf him in his arms and for another year, Harry had a good Halloween with Draco by his side.

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