Summer Vacation

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100th Chapter!! It all deleted the first time so you better fucking like it haha...ha...

"I love you so much" he whispered and kissed down his abs between every word causing the smaller boy's toes to curl. "So hot...all mine" he said going back up to Harry's neck. " damn beautiful..." Harry basically couldn't say anything by how turned on he was and Draco smirked loving the response he always got by praising him.

"I love you too, Draco" Harry whispered back throwing his head back and then the moment was ruined with a single knock on the door. Harry sighed and motioned fore Draco to stay put. They both quickly put their clothes on as the knocking got louder. "What do you want?" Harry said throwing daggers at the taller guy. The taller guy that was unfortunately his older brother Hunter.

"Dad says I have to be in here so you guys won't have sex" He stayed grumpily and Harry rolled his eyes.
"You have you're own girlfriend go fuck her and leave me be" Harry stated leaning against the door.
"And have my ass beat? No thanks"

Harry let the door open and walked back to Draco who looked ready to fuck the living day lights out of Harry. Harry only ignored the look because the mood was ruined after his brother came in the room. Hunter sighed clearly not wanting to be there either.

"You know the walls are thin right? If you guys had sex we could hear you either way so—"
"We weren't going to." Harry grumbled picking at his shirt.

They were all on vacation in LA and Draco and Harry hadn't been able to have alone time the whole time so they finally had a few hours together alone just themselves but their parents didn't want that. That's what Harry hates about his dad and Draco's dad. They wouldn't let them do anything.

"You know what? I'm talking to dad about letting you be here with Draco by yourself." Hunter said standing up. He had obviously felt bad for the pair since the same thing happend to him until he was 18. Draco and Harry sent him a great full look and Harry looked over at his blonde boyfriend going over and straddling his abdomen. Draco only chuckled as his hands soothed Harry's sides.

"I can't wait to have my way with you, you know?" Draco stated and Harry only nodded.
"I can't wait. In the mean time though there's this frozen yogurt place down the street. Want to go?"
"Sure let me just get ready"
"Strawberry with chocolate is so good I can't believe you're saying it's bad"

"It's just that you always get it!" Harry laughed and Draco shook his head chuckling too.

"I do not! At least I don't get plain vanilla! Now that's disappointing!"

"Oh don't even start with that, no vanilla is amazing and you can't tell me other wise" Harry said sassily looking away playfully.

"I heard there's a party around here? Want to go? We can meet new people since we're going to be here for the whole summer"
"Oh hell yea!"


Harry leaned closer against Draco's chest as they danced and Draco grabbed Harry's hips making Harry's ass grind the blondes dick. People wolf whistled and danced with their own friends, girlfriends, and boyfriends. Draco's head was in Harry's neck kissing it as Harry grabbed and pulled on the blondes hair. Harry laughed and pushed Draco off as he smirked and went back to dancing with him.

"So how long have you been dating that blonde hunk of a man over there?" Pansy, a new friend of Harry he had just met asked pointing at Draco with a red solo cup in her hand.

"We're family friends, known that stupid guy since we were babies and I decided to date that stupid guy when I was 15" Harry said chuckling and Pansy laughed.

"What grade did you say you were in? Or more like what grade you're going to next year since it's summer and all" she asked again grabbing another beer.

"Oh I'm going into Senior year. Since it's basically my last real summer my parents and Draco's decided to go all big with this summer vacation"

"Haha totally get that" Pansy laughed

"So Hermione? How long have you guys been dating?" Harry decided it was his turn with the questions.

"We got together around 6 months ago, look at them having fun together and not batting an eye at us" Pansy smiled over at Hermione. Harry looked over and spotted Draco and Hermione dancing like they've known each other for years when they had all just met an hour ago.

"Here they come" Harry said

Draco came over and wrapped his arms around Harry as he sucked his neck. Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed Draco's hand as Hermione and Pansy stared at the two. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him out the kitchen as Pansy and Hermione wiggled their eyebrows and wolf whistled at them. Draco became all flustered but quickly kept his composure as they entered an empty room in the huge house.

"You're so fucking gorgeous" Draco groaned as he pushed Harry against the door he had closed. Draco locked the door as he picked Harry up and brought him over to the bed.

"Mhm" Harry hummed as he pulled on his boyfriends blonde hair making the blonde groan again. Draco prepares Harry and only a few minutes later the room was full of moans and groans coming from the two.

"We should probably head out" Draco said and Harry groaned again bearing the loud music that stated the Peru was still going on.

"I'm tired"

Draco helped Harry into his clothes and he put his on afterwards. Draco carried Harry and didn't spot the girls anywhere so he figured that they left so he made his way to his car and put Harry in

"I'm happy about this. We were able to have sex without being cockblocked" Harry said happily and Draco chuckled and nodded.


The next day Harry and Draco headed out to have a walk and spotted the girls at the pond with two guys by their sides.

"Harry! Draco! Thank god we saw eachother again because we didn't get your numbers" Hermione yelled and Harry smiled over at her.

"Hey guys"

"Hey, I'm Ron and this is my boyfriend Blaise" the red headed boy said waving over at the Draco and Harry.

"Here have some, there were extras" Pansy stated as she handed them sandwiches. The pair gladly took them and bite down on the food.

"Finally! A football fan I can talk too about this stuff!" Blaise exclaimed and Draco chuckled.

"Exactly Harry doesn't like it so I can't talk to him about it, so annoying" Draco stated and Harry rolled his eyes.

"It's a dangerous sport"

"You act like I can die if I play"

"You can!" Harry yelled and everyone laughed. Ron said he agreed with Harry and the two started talking about how much they hated that their boyfriends played the sport.

For the rest of the evening they all talked and got to know eachother. Blaise even pulled out a football and played catch with Draco. Hermione joined in eventually leaving Harry with Pansy and Ron. It got late so Harry and Draco decides it would be better for them to leave so they exchanged numbers and drove home.

When they got home they headed into the loft and found a few movies they could watch. Harry headed into the kitchen and grabbed two jellos and climbed back into the loft and gave one to Draco. They ate the sugary snack as they watched Moana.

"I can't wait for everything that's going to happen these too months" Harry muttered as he snuggled closer into Draco's chest. Draco's chest went up and down and Harry head his heartbeat which calmed him.

"Me either, handsome" Draco responded as he kissed Harry on the head.

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