They're trying to "kick" the gay out of us.

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WARNING: Not very accepting people.

Also, Wattpad has been hella dry wtf is going on. Any good book recommendations? I have nothing to read.🥺😔💕

Harry had never really struggled in his life. His father was a really well known Soccer player and his mother was an amazing doctor making him rich. He had a lovely girlfriend named Ginny and well that's when the problems started forming. He and Ginny had been together for years they got together at age 12 and 13 and now Harry was 16 and Ginny was 15. Harry had started looking at guys way more then his girlfriend and he was worried.

The guys in his school always made jokes about it too. Like, "THaTs gAy" or "You're a fucking faggot" and obviously they were meant to be jokes since they all laughed about it at the end of the day but Harry didn't. He was worried. A few months later he was positive he was gay. He didn't tell anyone and tried acting the same but he really couldn't keep his eyes where they were supposed to be.

Finally the school year ended and Harry was really relieved. He had finished his sophomore year and could relax in his home. That was until something leaked.


"W-wait are you sure about this?" Harry whispered and the other male nodded.

"J-just Fuck me Harry, please" a boy, a smaller boy moaned and Harry nodded. They were both drunk and only had a small idea of what they were actually doing.

"Ah!~" moans were heard around the room and then the camera stopped filming.

———- (end of flashback)——

"Harry what is this?!" James, his father yelled and Harry jumped sitting in front of both his parents.

"I-I...I was curious...."

"That you're gay? We raised you better then this Harry!"

"I— I know but—"

"No buts! You're a disgrace! Look at what we've done for you son, what we've worked hard on just for you? We did NOT work this hard to have a faggot as a son!" James yelled and Harry couldn't help the tears that escaped his eyes. He quickly blinked them away and groaned.

"You're going to be sent away. To fix the mess this stupid generation has done to you" Lily said and Harry nodded, for that small little moment Harry believed her.


The following day they all drove to a school where James and Lily wouldn't need to worry.

James has practically thrown Harry's luggage out the window and left leaving Harry to check himself in and find out everything himself. Harry had been assigned a room. Room 215 and was rooming with a boy named Draco.

"Hey" Harry heard behind him and he jumped still being jumpy after the whole "not accepting" thing. Harry turned around spotting a boy around his age.

Draco was slim and currently just wearing a big shirt that went down to his thighs. Draco looked tried it seemed like he hadn't slept enough, since he had dark circles under his eyes.

Harry waved, he hadn't spoken since the day before and his throat wouldn't let him say anything yet. He was scared.

"I'm Draco. What's your name?"

"Harry" Harry croaked and continued unpacking his things. After he put all his clothes in he looked around the room, it was nasty. He looked over at Draco and saw him reading a book.

"Did you just come out or something" Draco asked and Harry nodded.

"Most of us saw what happened at the front of the school. If you're here I can already tell it didn't go to well?" Draco blabbered on and on and Harry smiled.

"Well Harry, life is just gonna start getting worse for ya" Draco stated and Harry frowned when suddenly sirens started wailing. Draco places his book down and stood up.

"Go to sleep. It's time to go to sleep or you'll get beaten" Draco yelled over the loud sirens and the blonde saw the fear in the brunettes eyes. Draco went over to him and hugged him but quickly let go and went to sleep.


"I don't get it. We're gay and then put in a house full of boys? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?" Someone in the cafeteria stated and Harry smiled nonetheless.

"Yea they're definitely fucking" he heard another student say and he rolled his eyes.

"Come over here these are my friends Harry" Draco states waving him over.

"Harry meet Blaise, Ron, Neville, Dean, Seamus, and Cedric" Draco said sitting down and Harry smiled sitting down next to him.

"Hey mate" Ron, the red head, introduces himself and started talking as if they had been friends for years. Harry didn't eat anything he wasn't really hungry and Draco noticed.

"You aren't going to eat anything?"

"Nah I'm not really hungry"

Draco nodded and looked away stuffing a piece of stale bread in his mouth. After that Draco and Harry headed out and went back to their rooms.

"Hey Harry..."


"It's going to be okay"


"I mean, you're parents disapprove right? That's why you're here. If you need anyone to talk too I'm here."

"Thanks Draco"

"Don't worry about it" Draco whispered and kissed the taller joys cheek. Harry went bright red, his eyes widening, and his mouth opened.

"Goodnight Harry"


"Wake up you faggots!" Harry heard someone scream and his jumped off his bed. He looked over at Draco who was already up and getting ready.

"What's going on?" Harry asked and Draco motioned him to be quiet. Harry looked around nervously and Draco gave Harry some workout clothes. Harry quickly put them on.

"HURRY THE FUCK UP YOU DISGUSTING GAYS!" The man yelled and Harry flinched as he opened their room door. The mad pulled out a whip and hit Harry hard at his leg. Harry winced and Draco stayed silent.

  "All of you here, go out on the field and run 10 laps!" He yelled and blew his whistle and they all nodded obediently.

This was going to be hard Harry thought as he picked himself up and started walking with the others towards the back doors to get outside.

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