Baby time P.1 |32|

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"Ugh why is it taking so loooonnnng!" Teddy screeched and rubbed his hands over his face. His father, Harry had gone into labor that night. He chuckled as he was reminded of his other father, Draco.


WE were getting to go to bed when Harry screeches out in pain and bends over and put is arm on the counter his head soon following.
"T-teddy— go get your f-father"
"What? Why? What's wrong?"
"Go! Now!" Harry grimaced so teddy bolted to the restroom where Draco was brushing his teeth.

"Dad! Harry! Something happened!"
It wasn't long before the wooden floor was covered by water. Draco flooed (idk how to spell it) himself and Harry leaving Teddy in the huge living room.

"Oh, it's fine, leave your teen here, it's alright." Teddy said rolling his eyes. He called his aunt Hermione and Pansy and his uncles Ron and Blaise and his grandma Cissy. And a lot of other people explained what had happened. He flooed to the hospital and was met with a bunch of red hair.


Back to present.

"It's takes long sweetie. Where's your brother? Scorp?"

Teddy's eyes widened and he went back to the manor. He ran up a few stairs and shook his brother awake.

"We forgot you! Hurry up! Dads in the hospital."
"Get! Up!"

Scorpius shot up off his bed and put in some sweats a big hoodie and they went back to the hospital.

A while gang of red heads were spotted
Two singular blonde almost white heads were spotted
And then there were tons of cameras. Teddy was 15 and in his moody, tired, and always hungry phase and Scorpius was 12, very simple and smart. Before Teddy managed to go and greet his aunts Hermione and Pansy a camera was shoved in his face.

"Just smile, if they've caught you at a bad time don't curse it's going to attract more attention just tell them what they need to know." His Father always said.

"I heard your father is giving birth! A baby sister! I can't imagine how you and your brother feel right now"

"We're very excited...finally having a little girl around and all" Scorpius came into view. I smiled and nodded agreeing with him.

"You two look tired. Bad timing?"

"We we're heading to bed when it happened" I responded and ran my hand through my hair. The paparazzi asked questions until the manager showed them away. I sighed in relief and went to greet our aunts.

"Hi aunties!" Teddy greeted.

OMg I'm so sorry I keep Changing P.O.V I'm sorry I'm very tired.

"Hello Teddy, Scorpius how are you  
two—" Pansy started but was cut off with a very loud and painful scream. It was my dad.

Part two soon. Annnnd I didn't check over this and it's all over the place I just wanted to post something okay byeee!

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