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Short and shitty chapter but eh it's something. I didn't really like it but I see why some people would like it so please read lol. Love you all 😗🥺💕

Everyone absolutely hated her. Dumbledore even hated her but that was just because she was annoying so he didn't have a reason to fire her. Ms. Umbitch— I mean Ms.Umbridge had gotten a job here to make sure everything was being done how it was supposed to be done. After Voldemort was destroyed last year in Harry's fourth year everyone was a little on edge afterwards. Thankfully Hogwarts was rebuilt but sadly Ms.Umbridge felt the need to be here and "help out".

It all started the first class when Harry was late. He hadn't gotten sleep because of everything going on but he hated to say that he was having nightmares. So nobody helped him. Except Draco who knew what was going on even though Harry never told him anything today he didn't have the heart to wake him up. So that's why Harry was late.

"Mr.Potter! How dare you be late to my class!" The pink toad yelled and Harry flinched. Harry kept his head down and went to sit down but Umbridge yanked his arm.

"No! Explain why you're late!"

"I-I was on accident though I swear!" Harry yells huffing afterwards.

"Lair! Don't you dare lie to me! Detention after this Potter" Umbridge stated and Harry looked down and walked to the back of the classroom where his boyfriend sat waiting for him.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake you up Har"

"It's fine..."


"Now, the story of how Voldemort was defeated isn't fully known since we don't know exactly what happened during the years but we can say that Dumbledore and the teachers did a great job of defeating him in the end—-"

"Actually, Ms.Umbridge. Hermione, Ron, and Harry did most of the work." Neville cut in. The boy had gotten very brave after the whole war.

"It's true!" Dean exclaimed and the other Gryffindors agreed with the two boys and Umbridge rolled her eyes but smiled that bright, fake, ugly smile.

"Quiet! Three teenagers couldn't do anything to defeat Voldemort!" She yelled and the Gryffindors seethed. They were through a lot and they helped the golden trio. Hermione, Ron, and Harry stayed quiet not wanting to argue.

"They spent a good time out there searching for Hor....Hor something to save us all!" Seamus seethed and Umbridge silenced them all.

"Shut it! Potter to my office after for detention" She yelled and the bell rang for them to go to the next class. Hermione and Ron said bye to Harry and deprecated since they had different classes.


Draco stood in their shared room and looked outside to spot a few guys playing quidditch. Harry still wasn't back from detention. Classes were over and Draco has already finished his homework for the rest of the week.

He had been reading and was ready for bed when Harry walked in pale and tired.

"Are you okay Darling?" Draco asked and Harry nodded walking slowly towards the bed. He stopped and leaned towards the drawers and was very pale.


"Harry are you alright?"

Harry stumbles over and Draco quickly went over and helped him.

"Harry what's wrong?" Draco asks checking if Harry has a fever and then notices Harry's sleeve becoming soggy and red.
"Harry!" Draco tells and pulls Harry's sleeve up. There on the sleeve stood the words "I shall not tell lies" and Draco gasped.

"How long—"

"Since we came back this year." Harry stated going to lay down and sleep for awhile.

"That fucking bitch" Draco seethed and went to call Sirius, Lupin, his father, his mother and went to tell Dumbledore and McGonagall what happened.

A few weeks later Umbridge was fired as a teacher and fired at the Ministry for hurting everyone's precious Golden Boy.

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