No PDA until they're in their room.

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Hermione and Pansy were bored one day and trailed into the relationships at the school. Then Pansy starts to wonder about something.

They both look at the couple at the other side of the big garden. Draco sitting on the bench with Harry laying across the bench and his head in Draco's lap. Draco playing with Harry's fluffy hair and Harry reading a potions book.

Harry and Draco really weren't the type of relationship to depend on the other too much. When they had to put their friends before each other they didn't care. When their friends would get into fights they would automatically go onto their friends side because it was just like that. Gryffindors and Slytherins rarely interacted even with everything that happened with Voldemort the year prior.

Draco and Harry weren't lovey dovey and rarely showed any type of PDA. They didn't kiss in front of people or hug or held hands which a lot of people found quite interesting. They were kind towards each other, when the other didn't have a seat they would sit on each other's lap and didn't seem to care. That's what confused people.

"Harry, Draco?"

"Hm?" They couple hummed Harry laying on Draco's lap both of them having their noses in books.

"Kiss" Seamus said looking over at the couple. Seamus totally didn't understand how they handled it. He couldn't last 5 minutes without kissing or hugging or holding Dean who was his boyfriend.

Draco and Harry looked up from their books and looked towards Seamus. Both of them shared a blank expression but smiled nonetheless and kissed each other. After the kiss they went back to their reading. So they kissed but Seamus was still curious because they rarely do it i front of people.


"Can you guys hold hands?" Hermione asks tilting her head. Harry nodded and grabbed Draco's hand and they held hands. They then separated and went back to writing their essays for potions. Draco sitting closer to Harry so he could help his clueless boyfriend.

"Can you guys hug?" Neville asked. He was currently holding hands with his girlfriend Luna. (Yes I'm not gonna make everyone gay) Draco and Harry hugged and then continued to walk down the hallway not touching whatsoever


Today Harry and Draco were just having a chill day. Draco was laying on the couch and Harry was asleep on the other couch when Parvati suddenly marched in loudly making Harry flinch and wake up with a fright.

"You okay?" Draco asked

"Yea" Harry answered wiping his eyes.

"That's it! Someone has to ask! Are you two even dating?" She asked and Draco rolled his eyes

"What do you mean? Of course we're dating." Draco stayed mimicking her obviously annoyed by the long haired girl.

"You guys don't act like you guys are together though" someone, neither Harry or Draco knew who he was entered into the conversation and Harry rolled his eyes this time.

"Well we are together" Harry said crossing his arms clearly mad because they were accusing them of lying. He hated accusing people of things that didn't really concern them.

"It doesn't look like it" someone else muttered and everyone in the common room agreed with "Yea" and "yes". This time Draco growled. It didn't concern them the way him and Harry acted. If they wanted to act a certain way that was completely fine.

"You know what? I'm sick and tired of you guys butting into my relationship! It really doesn't concern any of you guys if Harry and I are dating or not or the way we act towards each other!" Draco exclaimed . Everyone stayed silent and didn't make eye contact with the blonde.

"Come on Harry we're leaving" Draco stayed and grabbed his backpack. Harry quickly gathered his stuff and shoved it in his bag and wakes up to their room in the common room.


Once they were in their room Draco finally relaxed and threw himself on the table. Harry chuckled and Draco looked over at him smiling. God, his boyfriend was literally the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

"You know they don't mean to be rude. They're just really curious." Harry stated climbing on top of his boyfriend r straddle his lap.

"Curious my ass. They shouldn't care that much of our relationship Harry."

"I know I know" Harry said tracing Draco's abs.

"Have you been working out?" Harry asked his eyes going a darker shade of green

"Yes now get you're horny hands off me!" Draco exclaimed laughing and shoved the smaller boy off him and watched him roll to the other side of the bed. Since the were together they made their two beds convert into a big single bed so they could cuddle and sleep together.

"I just don't know why they're so curious." Draco stated trying to think of why they kept asking them to do certain things.

"It's cuz we're not disgusting Draco. They expect us to make out in the hallways and hold hands and kiss in front of everyone because they think we're like that. We aren't though. We really don't like PDA. That's why we hold everything in until we're in our room." Harry answered.

"Now take off you're pants"

Draco took off his pants and his shirt had already been off so now he sat on the his upper body leaning on the headboard and Harry straddling his thighs. Harry leaned down and kissed Draco's chest and then went up to kiss his neck.

"What are you going to do?" Draco asked smirking

"I'm gonna ride you"

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