No Sleep

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  "What the fuck is up with precious Potter?" Pansy snarled and looked over at the Gryffindor table. Sadly, due to the war most seats were empty. It was the table that had the least number of students, the Gryffindors being the first ones to risk their lives for others and helping in the war.

"Jesus Pansy, don't call him precious" Draco snapped and both his friends, the pale beautfiul girl with the dark eyes and his dark, brown like honey eyes smirked straight at him.

"Why? You afraid I'm going to steal him away from youuuuu?" Pansy teases like a child making fun of their friend who had a crush on someone. Well, actually this WAS that case. Draco was madly in love but he wouldn't ever admit it.

"Oh please, like you would date a Gryffindor." Blaise stated shoving a peace of toast in his mouth and munched quietly. He still had manners for gods sake.

"I would, have you seen the Gryffindors. They're hot"

"But we're hotterrrrrr" a Slytherin girl in her sixth year stated overhearing the conversation and Pansy laughed

"Definitely" Pansy laughed and placed her lipstick on. The girl walked off and went to her group of friends that were at the end of the table.

"Look at Ron, poor boy looks like he hasn't had a meal in ages" Blaise snickered and the three turned towards the Golden trio spotting the red head shoving food up his mouth.

"He's always been like that." Pansy shrugged and grabbed a some chicken wings. Pansy didn't have an idea of what they were but a muggleborn in Slytherin had told her they were delicious. Pansy has finished three chicken wings and decided they were the most amazing bf thing in this wizarding world.

"Look at Potter!" Draco screeched quietly and they turned to spot the boy packing his things up.

"He didn't even eat anything. What's the point of coming to the Great Hall if you aren't going to eat anything—" a boy in his second year stated looking over the Boy Who Lived Twice and the Slytherin Trio hissed at him to shut up.

"He looks like he hasn't slept in ages." Pansy stated and Blaise nodded. They looked at the time and decided it be best to leave to get to class in time.

They sadly had to split up due to Blaise having Dark Arts with Profesor  Lupin, Pansy having Charms with Flitwick and Draco having potions with Snape. When the blonde walked into his class He went to the back and sat at his seat and got his things out. People poured into the room and sat at their own desks.

Snape walked in and started telling us about some really rare potions, most teachers really laid off that year knowing they weren't really supposed to be there. Then Potter walked in and all heads turn red towards him. The boy didn't even look up, he merely waved at Snap and took a seat next to me, they had been assigned partners last week and both of them were together.

Snape ignored Potter and continued his lesson on how rare and weird some ingredients were that if you ever found one you should contact someone immediately.

"That's it for the lesson, I want all of you to work with your partners and create a simple potion just for practice" Snape stayed writing out the directions on the board, knowing most weren't paying attention at the moment.

After 5 minutes Draco knew what potion they both were going to do and marked the page in his head.

"Potter get the ingredients, it's only 5 you shouldn't have much trouble"

"Mhm" Potter mumbled and slid out of his chair but stumbled over his own feet and almost landed on the floor.

"Potter?" Draco asked uncertain as he watched his ex-enemy, crush, and potions partner almost collapse. It looked like Potter was going to fall to the ground so Draco quickly grabbed him at his waist.

"Profesor!" Draco yelled as Harry basically went limp in his arms.

"Dear Merlin, Draco take him to the hospital wing— Longbottom be careful— Lavender Brown that isn't the write ingre— Finnigan wai—" Snape stumbled over his words trying to help all his students as much as he could. The war had changed him everybody could tell.

"Madam Pomfrey?"

"Yes Dra—"

"What happened?!" She screeched as she took the students she had learned to really care for over the years over to a bed.

"I don't know—"

"But you brought him here!"

"I know but he just all of a sudden like...I don't know passed out? I mean he didn't but it looked like he was going too."

"He hasn't slept. He's very dehydrated too." She found out after making a quick diagnosis spell. "I'm going to have to make him a sleeping potion" she walked off and went into her office when Harry looked over at Draco.

"No...The nightmares don't let her give me the sleeping potion!" Harry yelled wanting to get out the room but Draco kept him in place.

Draco nodded at the smaller boy and walked in Madam Pomfreys office.
"Make it a dreamless potion" he smiled at her and she nodded.

"Done. Don't worry about" Draco said smiling sitting down next to Harry's bed.


"No problem"

"Hey Draco..."


"I like you"



"That's cool"


"Yea 'cause I like you too Potter"


Madam Pomfrey walked in and gave Harry his potion.

"Goodnight Harry"

"Goodnight Blondie"

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