Hormones |22|

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Hehe I liked writing this one

Harry is pregnant and it's hell for Malfoy. Draco could be at work and get called by Harry crying saying he wants him at home and be mad at him in a matter of seconds. He of course expected this. Well...he expected the smaller boy to have these mixed feelings but he didn't expect them to be this...wild? I guess you could say that. There would be times where Harry felt so bad Draco had to stay home with me because everyone in the wizarding world knows that you never leave a Veela Mate that's pregnant by themselves. Much less if he's male. Today. Was not a good day in Malfoy Manor.

Everything was going as usual...Draco had woken up first and made breakfast for the both of them. He woke up with his arm around Harry and he slowly lefted it up and walked down to the kitchen. He started making BlueBerry pancakes for himself and Harry. Once he finished he went upstairs and woke Harry up....bad choice.

"No! Leave me here! Let me sleep you bloody moron!"



Draco huffed and went downstairs to eat by himself. Just 3 more months of this...he put a smile on his face knowing in only 3 months he'd have his baby boy in his own hands. After finishing breakfast he walked up to his room to try and wake him up again. When he opened the door he heard crying.


"Draco!" Harry wiped his tear away in frustration.

"What's Wrong Raven?"

"I-I...I'm sorry...I yelled at you. I shouldn't of yelled—"

"It's fine Raven—"

"No it's not Draco!"

"Yes it is Baby" he walked up to Harry and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

"It's okay. It's you're hormones talking and I understand that Raven"

"Y-you do?"

"Of course."

Harry kissed him and it quickly turned into a heated make out session. Until Draco realized what time it was.

"I have to go!"


"Bye Raven love you!"

"Love you too..."


Once Draco got to the hospital he realized he had a new patient. He went to their room and saw two men.

"Hello!" He waves at them. After they told them their situation Draco explained all he knew about male pregnancies.

"So what about hormones—"

"Oh dear lord good luck with that sir. You're husband is going to have hormones and they'll make your life a living hell." He laughed remembering Harry going from Mad, to sobbing, to very horny.

"Oh that's right! Harry is pregnant as well!"

"Yea" he rubbed his temples.

"Speaking of Harry how is he Healer Malfoy ?"

"Very well....just very hormonal..." he laughed.

Once they're meeting was over he attended a few other patients when Pansy came up to him with a phone in her hand and the biggest grin he'd ever seen.

"It's Harry...good luck Healer Malfoy." She winked.



"What's wrong?"

"Come home please!"

"Harry—I'm working."

"B-but I want to cuddle..."

"Harry I want to too but I can't miss another day because of—"

"No! I get it. I'm causing to much problems. I get it. I'll be out of your gorgeous Hair. Bye Malfoy!" Ge screamed.

Draco rolled his eyes. Harry is so—extra.
He laughed at himself. It's the Boy-Who-Lived-Twice what did he expect?


Once his shift was over he went back home to find an empty house. He obviously started panicking. He thought of the first place where Harry would go and he thought of the Granger-Weasleys house.

He apparated to their house and knocked on the door. Ron opened the door. He rolled his eyes and let Draco in.

What he found broke his heart. Harry was sitting on the couch with Luna, Ginny, and Hermione keeping him company.

They turned to look at Draco and rolled their eyes Ginny stood up and brought Draco into another room.

"You Bloody idiot. He's 6 months pregnant Draco! 6months he needs you the most right now!"

"Ughh I know I know!"

He went back to Harry picked him up and they went back home. Harry was being silent as he walked back up the stairs. Draco went and helped him  and laid him on the bed when they got up.

"I'm sorry Harry"


"Really the silent treatment?"

"Draco were bloody rich. Why do you need to work right now? Right now when I'm growing someone in me!!? Are you tired of me?"

"No baby. I'm not tired of you"

"Then why don't you take care of me?"

Draco honestly didn't have an answer to that. He just held Harry tighter.

"I'm not going back there okay? I'm going to be next to you for now on Alright?"

"Alright." Harry smiled and he snuggled into Draco's chest.

Draco of course knew that Harry would most likely be mad at him in the morning again like this morning because of his bloody hormones but Harry was happy with him right now and that's all that mattered right now.

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